Post Phoenix Pics Please

Could my hens be molting? I looked and noticed some featgers missing

and this is my gold idk if shes missing feathers or not
Spurs on a hen is (from what I can tell) just a physical trait. it doesn't mean she is hormonally off or that she is a longtail, or anything really. It is a dominant trait and thus a hen with spurs will usually throw pullets with spurs. It just really kind of looks neat in my opinion, but doesn't mean any thing particular other than looks.. I somehow feel better about a broody if she has spurs. I guess I feel like she can protect her babies better or something..

That's what I was assuming. They probably are a lot more protective over their offspring, I guess I will find out this summer if she goes broody =)
@wolftracks same here I've had only 5 hatch from a full incubator. I must have done something wrong because some made it to due date but didn't hatch:/ I currently have Cubalaya in the Bator and I paid good money so hopeing those hatch lol
I also have Phoenix/Sumatra cross eggs in,there

Do me a huge favor and stay in touch with me? I really want to see how that crossbreed turns out (phoenix/Sumatra). I would really appreciate it! =)
@manny5412 of course! The 1 that hatched is blue Sumatra over silver phoenix I believe. And I have eggs in there from blue Sumatra over blue wheaten phoenix.

the feed is normally found in a good feed store.
I use a gamers scratch that has fish oil. I notice a big difference when they get fish oil, in the way they feather. Tails get longer and they just look healthier all around.
Up here we have Super scratch available through our co-op, it's a mix of grains with fish oil. Is this similar to the gamers scratch you mentioned?

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