Post Phoenix Pics Please

One of my pair of creles
Question for exhibitioners!

My chicks were hatched 6/30, and they are awesome :) My daughter and I are planning on showing a few of them here in the future- she is going to join 4H for the 2015 fair, but we were looking at maybe entering a show sooner. There is one in November that really has our attention, but I'm not finding any information on how old a bird should be before we start showing them. I know the cockerels won't be old enough to have the nice long tails, but would they be able to be shown? Should we consider showing pullets instead? Any helpful information is appreciated!
Most shows require them to be 4-5 months old as the minimum. You'll likely not place as well as they more more mature birds in our experience, however, we still have kids in our APA/ABA Youth Club that show younger birds if for nothing more than the experience and fun. It gives them an opportunity to enjoy the show and learn from the judges and other competitors. We have shown young cockerels who placed below older ones only to come back and win BB the following year. It's still a great learning experience and wonderful time for the kids so we encourage our young members to show the younger birds if that's all they have. Show them and enjoy the day! :)
Thanks so much @theeggbasket ! They didn't specify an age minimum, but ours should be a little over 4 months old by the show date. We have a couple other breeds that we may show, but my daughter is pretty set on showing her phoenix- just for the fun of it :) She's wanting to do both open class and youth. I'm glad she's taken an interest and is really excited for us to go on this new adventure as a family activity :) Since it will be a first for both of us, we're doing it more for the experience (showing and family) than for placing- she'll be glad to know that she will be able to show her phoenix, and maybe one of our others as well. Thanks again!
CrazyChick1977, no problem at all. I have three kids that show, they're 11, 11, and 12 and we truly enjoy it as a family activity. I have heart disease that keeps me from runnng and playing their sports with them, so it's incredibly nice to be able to have our animals to bond over. My son will be 13 in Sept and we still really have a good time and enjoy the goats, ducks, and chickens quite a bit. Lots of discussions and just hanging out time ;) Enjoy yourselves and make that the priority. Tell your daughter she's making a good choice ;) I'm showing one of my Phoenix roos and two hens this year as well. We have shown mostly our Silkies in the past so showing our longtails will be a new, fun experience. Good luck! BTW- my daughter has Bantam Salmon Faverolles that's in love with, she showed Sammy the first time when he was only 4 months and although he was too young to win much at the time (he looked so little lol), the judge spent time with her going over things to look for with him as he grew. She took him twice since and won BB both times. It was well worth it for her that first year to gain the experiene AND meet an awesome judge that gave her amazing advice that she still remembers and uses when making her selections from that pen!

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