Post pic of your nipple waterers!

Pharm Girl

9 Years
Jan 6, 2011
I so wanted to make the subject line "I've got nipples!" but I feared the powers that be would make me remove it. I bought 6 nipples on ebay and am excited to put them into use. I want to get water in their small run which is only 4 feet high. Therefore, I can't do a big bucket or the nipples would be near the ground. I'd love to see pictures of others set ups! If yours are up high, let's get them on here too for others looking into getting them.
There are a lot of great designs out there... I've been googling them.
I hope you get some replies.

I am really interested in using the bucket system with the bird bath heater.

I would also like to know the best place to purchase the nipples. And when I say best, what I mean is the highest quality for the cheapest price.
I'll post a pic when I can, but I used a white plastic 3 gallon bucket I bought at Lowe's. It's only about 8 to 10 inches high.
Hi i make and sell watering systems this is one of them a lot of people like this one do to you can have the nipples in the run or coop and the bucket outside.
Hi i make and sell watering systems this is one of them a lot of people like this one do to you can have the nipples in the run or coop and the bucket outside.
My setups are on "My Page" I think the trickest part is getting a decent fitting that goes thru the side of the bucket.
Anything goes for nipples.
Good Luck
My question is how to keep them from freezing? It's 50 degrees here right now but it can down to -10. What is the solution??
Many use bird bath heaters or aquarium heaters (the type that are not harmed if they are exposed to air).

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