Post pics of all birds please!


9 Years
Sep 1, 2010
Sorry I'm new to caged birds and so far I like lovebirds and some eclectus parrots and conures. But I would like to see all birds.
Please put

and pics.
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Name: Jack Jack
Breed: Sever Macaw
Gender: Male (severs are not visually dymorphic you need a blood test to find out their sex)
Price: I paid $450 for Jack at about a month old as i have hand feeding experience...i do NOT suggest this for most people, handfeeding is difficult (and you should abundance wean which can take a year in smaller macaws, longer in the giants) ive seen young severes go from $650-$800
Loudness: on a scale of 1-10 id say jack is a 5...he chatters away to himself alot, but its typically low volume, hes not frequently loud, but when he wants to be heard you can hear him down the street!
Other: Jack is a very sweet baby at only 5 months old, he loves everyone but most of that is due to LOTS of interaction with others, and he could change completly with sexual maturity, severes tend to be a one person parrot. he is a "mini macaw" but the largest of the minis...dont let the word 'mini" fool you though, even the smallest of the minis (the hahns) have large macaw personalities and need a relitivly large cage for their size. they are ALL macaw! silly, sweet, playfull and moody! lol
macaws need BIG cages!

Handsome jack jack


Jack vs gigantor the blood parrot cichlid, jack LOVES watching the fish...


Jack getting some luvins from my mum (gramma)

Name: Lokie
Breed: Lineolated Parakeet
Color: Slate (or mauve depending on who you ask)
Gender: Female, linnies CANNOT be visually sexed and a blood test is needed
Price: ive seen linnies prices at $150+ depending on the color mutation, slates typically range $200-$250 for a hand fed baby (i did not pay for lokie, she was a bird i was pet sitting and her owner passed away)
Loudness: on a scale of 1-10 id say mabe a 2 or 3...she chatters alot, but its very quiet, you have to listen to hear it...they are relitivly good talkers but have tiny robotic voices. however, when something startles her she can let out a number of sharp fairly loud "peeps" that sound like a smoke detectors low battery warning...its relitily loud and quite high pitched but typically short lived.
Other: Linnies are relitivly new to the pet trade in the usa but make great pets for the right people, they have excelent talking skills and are typically very sweet snuggly birds (though most even when hand fed dont like hands lol) they are playfull and inteligent and not as loud as american parakeets or english budgies



Name: Cricket
Breed: Lineolated Parakeet
Color: Green split Turquoise
Gender: Male (as above, linnies cannot be visually sexed)
Price: Green is the 'natural" color of the linnie but it comes in a few different shades, greens usually start at $150-$200. i paid alot less for Cricket as he was used as a breeder bird but a lovebird killed his mate...
Loudness: same as loki, males do tend to be even more chattery and better talkers overall
Other: hes new to the group so, but very cute!

linnies need a minimum cage size of 18 x 18 x 18, but 18 x 30 x 18 is better, they prefer a longer rather than taller cage and need LOTS of toys!

This is Harley,she is 10 years old and will live for 100 years.She is dna teated female.I paid 600.00 out of the nest at 60 days old.She does scream VERY LOUD at times,she does talk,no whistles.This is Thumper my 22 year old male lutino cockatiel.I paid 60.00 for him at 7 weeks old out of the nest.He talks ,whistles and dances.The only noise is when he talks.

In N.H.,Tony.
linnies are generally very easy to care for...
you would want to find a breeder who hand raises their babies...
you would need a good size cage and plenty of toys (a minimum cage size of 18 x 18 x 18 for one linnie) they love toys they can hang and swing from, foot toys and things they can shred apart, they are after all small parots lol.)

diet: you need a good quality pellet diet as the staple food and fresh water at all times...then daily these little guys like and need lots of fresh foods...loki and cricket love apples, granny smith seem to be the favorite, whole grain pasta, sprouted seeds, kale, broccoli, rice, cauliflower ect...they should be introduced early to a veriety of foods as they can become picky eaters. right now cricket eats pellets but lokie will only eat seed as thats what she was weaned onto and on for a few months befor ei got i mix seeds with pellets and shes slowly starting to eat them. seeds are higher in fat and lower in nutritional value and should ideally be more of a treat.

in terms of noise, they are relitivly quiet, lots of quiet peeping, they would work out for an apartment without a problem...

and in terms of attention...
a hand raised linnie is a sweet little frined. they tend to be afraid of hands for some reason so do better when offered an arm or shoulder to climb out of the cage onto, once out they LOVE to snuggle up into your hair or at the nape of your neck or in your pocket.
lokie is happy with about 1/2 an hour out of cage a day, she has never been all too "frinedly" and after about 1/2 hour she starts to get antsy...(thats why i got cricket to keep her company)

most linnies however love to spend hours at a time out of their cage either playing on a small playstand or snuggling on your shoulder.
is a very good place for learning about linnies...
they are very cool pet birds, about the size of a parakeet (shorter tail but stockier body)
i love them.

Lokie says "hi" "morning" "what ya doing?" "jack" "night" and is trying to learn more, you hear her chattering away to herself alot as if shes trying to figure it out.
Cricket only came home yesterday but already hes trying to say "hi" and "cricket", before now hes not had much human interaction as he was a breeder bird, but even still hes sweet and trying to talk.

linnies arnt known for biting, but they can be a little nippy and have powerfull little beaks for a tiny little bird, but other than the occasional i said, cricket has had very little human interaction over the last 2 years and i can hold him without him trying to bite...Lokie will nip if shes frightend, but she could break skin easily and never has.

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