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Awhh such beautiful chickens, I have a soft spot for Orpingtons. If you don't mind I have a suggestion for Bella's mother, what about Ella, its not too different so she won't think who the heck is calling.
Thats too sweet for her, she needs a aggressive name!
Would love to see your flock..I bet he is going to be stunning...We would love you to write some of your knowledge on the orpingtons for us..lot of enthusiasts..lot of questions..
Aveca, My flock is mixed as well as Orpingtons I have Cochin's, Marans, Sussex and I did have a Polish. The baby Orpingtons I have at the moment are an eye opener, I have learned so much. They are very very very advanced compared to how other chickens behave. For example the Lemon chicken was challenging one of the huge Cochins when he was one week old, totally standing his ground. The same chick also got up on Mommy's back and was simulating sex at four weeks old, followed closely by two of the Partridge Orpingtons when they were five weeks old. They were stealing sweetcorn at two days old and swallowing it, they are amazing. I will always try to help if I can.
This is Princess my first Orpington, she is beautiful and I am biased :) She is top dog (chicken) in the coop, no question. I would love to have time to enter her into competitions, if I had time.

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