Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

I know there's another thread on Orpingtons but I thought since you all have them maybe you could answer a question for me.

I did the NYE hatch and I would show pics of my babies but I didn't get my camera today so my question is, how long will it be before I can tell if I have pullets or cock's? I can see some already have larger combs then the other ones. With my RIR's it was forever before I could tell. Orpingtons I'm not sure. Thanks
HenThymes, your chickie looks chocolatey.
Very cute indeed!

Ginbart - I can typically tell on my orps between 4-8 weeks for sure. After that, uncertainty sets in again. Then around 14-16 weeks you can see the roo differences pretty clear again. I find these times are the best to make good guesses. Of course, there is always one or two who will keep you confused and guessing.

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