Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

i wish we were closer ct to ca will be pretty expensive to ship i am sure someone will have something closer did you try to post in the the cal post in the where an i where are you thread.i hope your friend come through chemo well an is home an safe soon you are a good good luck with your serch you are in my prayers
Beautiful birds as always! whos the fellow on the right? seams rather sharp to my untrained eye! any pics of just him?
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Beautiful birds as always! whos the fellow on the right? seams rather sharp to my untrained eye! any pics of just him?

He is Fedor. He has one single White wing feather that is a great indicator that he may carry the White gene. Doug liked him alot. I am to use him first and will prolly get rid of the one on the left. I am overloaded with Buff males. 3 Buff cocks and 4 Buff cockerels.
This is the pic of Fedor. Even though I am an NPIP tester, I went over with Doug and Shari McCollough this weekend to Ron Patterson's and had him and my Blacks and a few others tested. I and Doug do not feel like it is right to test your own birds just because you are a tester. And Ron gave me the Single comb White Wyandotte for free. Great reason to go!

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i wish we were closer ct to ca will be pretty expensive to ship i am sure someone will have something closer did you try to post in the the cal post in the where an i where are you thread.i hope your friend come through chemo well an is home an safe soon you are a good good luck with your serch you are in my prayers

I'm happy to pay for shipping or anything else, I just want her to be happy

A buff and a lavender would be my dream combo
Just wanted to share a couple of our Orp photos:

Our large fowl Buff Orpington male, Gentleman, and one of his lady's:


Some of our newest Black Orpingtons large fowl and Buckeye Bantams with their Chantecler fostermom:


this is a pic of my 6 orp babies and 1 salmon fav baby. 2 days old now.

this is a pic of my first orp baby. this was taken several days ago. he is 11 days old now. just wanted to share the cuteness. any guesses on colors. the breeder says on the older one probably a black buff cross.
here are a few of my fifteen at about six weeks old, i really like the mottled colors on the feathers


when do you think i should be able to tell what gender they are for sure?
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