Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

Beth G. :

Wow she's feathering out nice now!! I would love to hear what Jody or Charlie think of her. Maybe Jody will check in soon and say what she thinks
I swear she almost looks like a partridge but, I know that is far fetched to say that now!!! lol
this one is like around 4 weeks old we have like 3 this hatch so far someone we sold hatching eggs to said they got 2 of them i think.we will see what the next few hatch's bring may keep a few around to play my daughter does all the work with the chickens she loves the color so i am sure she will be playing with them next year.

Jimmy, I got 2 of those brown cutie pies in my batch of eggs from you. I am so happy, they happen to be the cutest chicks of all, they look like little teddy bears right now. LOVE them. I think I got 2 pure lavs, maybe not though, and a couple blues and a lot of black split to lav. YAY! Keep posting pics of your brownies as they grow! Cant wait to see what is in store for mine!

The little white orp babies are just starting to fly up and around in their brooder this morning!! Isn't it crazy how time flys by??? I feel like you just shipped the little babies to me a few days ago!!!

Beth G. :


The little white orp babies are just starting to fly up and around in their brooder this morning!! Isn't it crazy how time flys by??? I feel like you just shipped the little babies to me a few days ago!!!


Aww, I just love watching little chickies fly
It seems strange how they just KNOW how to do that kind of stuff from birth...​
Aww, that is cute Beth. I love when they run around flapping their little wings. They look so excited and happy to see you when they stretch their wings.

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