Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

I am hoping someone can post a couple pics of blue cockerals, at like 12-20 weeks old? I have 2 in question, and i do not have an exact age. Or a dig camera in service. If it wouldnt be too much trouble I would really appreciate it. Or even hens at the same age. They seem to hide their genders pretty well! Thank you so much!
I think Seckledhen should have some. I searched her threads to find some pictures of her Orps when they were younger, there were some nice photos. Would you like some of English Orps? I assume you meant American.
here's goya a 8-9 week old blue orp hen we beleive

this is one from last year around 6 weeks old looks like one of each

another hen

the roos with orps usually get a real nice big comb pretty earily buy 6-8 weeks can tell for sure most of the time
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My problem with sexing them is that these 2 are new to me, and they are already at least 12 weeks old, maybe even closer to like 18, the lady I got them from was so confused about these orps, who are stunning, really nice looking birds....she said they were hens, but I really think I see hackle and maybe saddles, something about the tails tells me roo....but see I am brand new to orps, and not great at sexing chickens at this age. 6 weekers, I can do that, but these guys are just so confusing. I am going to find a way to post a pic, borrow a camera or something! Thank you!
Back to those red chicks....
We just hatched 2 reddish ones under broodies this weekend. Where in the world did they come from? We have only pure hens of splash, black, and white from Jody & Charlie. We do have 2 roos running with them but the splash orp roo doesn't allow the black Arcauna roo near the orp girls and the Arcauna roo won't let the orp roo near his EE girls. I know they came from orp eggs. If by a chance they were from the Arcauna ( also Jody & Charlie's stock) the black would override anyway. Where does this red come from? They were a day earlier than their hatchmates too!
they'reHISchickens :

Back to those red chicks....
We just hatched 2 reddish ones under broodies this weekend. Where in the world did they come from? We have only pure hens of splash, black, and white from Jody & Charlie. We do have 2 roos running with them but the splash orp roo doesn't allow the black Arcauna roo near the orp girls and the Arcauna roo won't let the orp roo near his EE girls. I know they came from orp eggs. If by a chance they were from the Arcauna ( also Jody & Charlie's stock) the black would override anyway. Where does this red come from? They were a day earlier than their hatchmates too!

do any of the birds have red leakage in their hackles?​
they'reHISchickens :

Back to those red chicks....
We just hatched 2 reddish ones under broodies this weekend. Where in the world did they come from? We have only pure hens of splash, black, and white from Jody & Charlie. We do have 2 roos running with them but the splash orp roo doesn't allow the black Arcauna roo near the orp girls and the Arcauna roo won't let the orp roo near his EE girls. I know they came from orp eggs. If by a chance they were from the Arcauna ( also Jody & Charlie's stock) the black would override anyway. Where does this red come from? They were a day earlier than their hatchmates too!

Where was the discussion on red chicks? I looked back to try to find pics, but can't find any mention of them. Would love to see pics. Maybe pics of potential parents would help to figure it out.​
I finnaly got a chance to get out and take a few pics for Jody at HINKJC....the weather has been so terrible that most days were a wash out..this morning is decent so ran out and took a few of Jodys babies and a few of my Australorps.

And boy Jody were you ever right, they sure do fool you..I can tell almost right away with the australorps who is boy - girl..the pullets seem to have very henny short combs for long time. i took a pic of australop babys pullet and cockeral same afe as yours and its pretty clear to see who is who...the blk orps its not that easy..but a couple are standing out for show now that they are older and easier to just hope they are in that perfect feather and frame come show time..

I have three picked out to show so far 2 blk orps one aussie pullet ,and probably the australorp rooster..and three shows planned, one fair show and 2 APA shows and NYS inspection and blood tests june 8th so we are getting pretty excited ..

some Jody babies and a couple australorps mixed in they are out in thier chicktopia.

they come out and just tear around out there every morning just glad to be out brousing


a couple more pics


My Australorp rooster, he is molting right now but hopefully he will be all filled back out in neck feathers and tail by show time

a couple of the australorp chicks , the pullet left I willbe showing this year



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