Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

How did this become a conversation about American vs. English type Orpingtons... I thought we were talking about the Buff color?

Feel free to use the report button. I do and we all should, that's what it's there for.

You have your opinion, I have mine, it's something we're both entitled to. I'm not here to argue, mostly to learn, make friends and share photos of my birds. Well wishes in all your breeding endeavors.
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I know exactly what I've said on the past regarding my opinions on Orpingtons, I have no need to look on previous posts.

Also, I've made several friends here on BYC who I consider very close, that I regularly have conversation with outside of the forum setting. I'm sure there are those who may think one way or another of me due to my opinions but at the end of the day those people don't matter. I don't concern myself with such trivial things.

Now, I'm sure most are tired of reading posts that don't pertain to what this thread is intended for, which is Orpingtons of all shape, size, color, type, lineage, etc. So here's a photo to help get us back on track.

My Black hen Thelma, I plan on using her to produce a sizeable Blue cockerel that may one day be my flock sire.

I usually ask Dan. I think he has forgetten more then I will ever know about making great Buffs. Dan is a BUFF GOD! He will time to time send me pics to illustrate what he thinks is a good BUFF colored bird. I try to use his pics to help me in what I am aiming for. And I like to share here to help out folks.

This is a print that I have. Prolly more to what many would like as good BUFF color.


These are forwarded pics from the man.




Just want to add IF you have not seen any Buffs of this shade of any breed like these foreign Orps in this country, while they may not be Orps go and look and see what Dan Honour has made in his Leghorns.
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Bill, I will have to disagree with you concerning Dan Honour. Dan is not a "BUFF GOD". He is helping me with our Lamonas project, to improve what we are getting. I think he has forgotten more about Poultry in general than you or I will ever learn! The book "Buff coloration of poultry" is 273 pages long. It is now saved on my laptop. Will take me awhile to read. I am still trying to get my new SOP read. It takes time to digest some of this stuff.

Charlie, just ignore those you speak without experience.
Bill, I will have to disagree with you concerning Dan Honour. Dan is not a "BUFF GOD". He is helping me with our Lamonas project, to improve what we are getting. I think he has forgotten more about Poultry in general than you or I will ever learn! The book "Buff coloration of poultry" is 273 pages long. It is now saved on my laptop. Will take me awhile to read. I am still trying to get my new SOP read. It takes time to digest some of this stuff.

Charlie, just ignore those you speak without experience.

Jim fill us in who is the best authority on raising Buff colored birds. (this should be interesting, lololol)
For me and many Dan is the best at raising Buff colored birds. Too me and I am sure to others he is GOD for us Buff breeders.
What I was trying to say and failed to put across is....Dan Honour is more than jsut a Buff expert. He is, in my opinion, a Poultry Expert. I am blessed to be a student of Dan's!

Bill, I will have to disagree with you concerning Dan Honour. Dan is not a "BUFF GOD". He is helping me with our Lamonas project, to improve what we are getting. I think he has forgotten more about Poultry in general than you or I will ever learn! The book "Buff coloration of poultry" is 273 pages long. It is now saved on my laptop. Will take me awhile to read. I am still trying to get my new SOP read. It takes time to digest some of this stuff.

Charlie, just ignore those you speak without experience.

Jim fill us in who is the best authority on raising Buff colored birds. (this should be interesting, lololol)
For me and many Dan is the best at raising Buff colored birds. Too me and I am sure to others he is GOD for us Buff breeders.
Jeremy your black girl is very beautiful.
Bill that buff color is fantastic. It is almost Gold. Love it.

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