Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

To all BYC Members.. Hope all of you and your family's have a great and safe Independence Day...


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I am interested in getting a pair or trio of lemon cuckoo orpingtons. Does anyone know this breeder? Hencredibles.

Should I get them thoughts suggestions??

interesting bird, you have such nice looking birds anyway.. That Doug acres was pretty fearless at adding those german new hampshires to dels ..all I can say is outstanding is a tightrope to walk thou, sometimes you can get traits you dont want , some real bad things can crop some point , somone had to add something to create white orps and some of the colors they get now..funny US is still behind is just about everything..every country has a class for them we just add AOV at the end for any other variety.. sometimes you hit the jackpot..some people are very good at it..we were talking about blk orps and aussies. the judges are pretty savy..they are shooting down people trying to show orps as aussies..use them to improvesomething then get out and back to your plan..My husband told me we will keep 2 breeds and no more..blk orps are my choice, aussies are his..I am just in love with the new Orps I have, god they are wonderful to work with and around..aussies are just a tad more squirrly but not as bad some breeds..We see people out there that show up at these shows with every breed known to mankind, we dont want to play that game but specialize in a couple...Lots of great breeders keep several breeds around to play with , but some of these guys get every bird under the sun and show up in a tractor trailer, they often have lots of broke feathers that wernt tended to ect.... I have waited a long time to have these, unfortunatly I got all boys this time but thats just the nature of it..big strapping boys..Husband said pick 3 ..NYS inspector is taking 2 next spring might take them early fall..Im showing 1 husband just might show the other , hard to choose between the 2 both working into great bloom right now and shows are 2 months away..the others might shape up and show better as adults..

I had a tottally unplanned project so have to get a new home for the litle ones..Every day I clean out all of the eggs from our other barn..they belong to my husband monster egg layer australorps are there also so lots of eggs , I have 2 pet sebrights down there.....well my dad died, so everything got thrown to the backburner during that 2 months, I had a broody sebright out there, swept the eggs out but left her alone just because didnt have any time in a day...well last week I hear a peeper or 2 darn it she hatched 3 of her own eggs, ....Seriously I never in a million years thought that was even possible..giant sized australorp + sebright.. moved her to the new mommy pen quickly and baby drinker feed ect.. they will be going to whoever wants them, I will put an add in buy swap sell for them..what on earth should I call them, ? austrabrights? sealorps?
WOW! nice baby..I cant wait to see that one develope...jeepers you have nice birds..I took some pics for you yesterday but started having some camera keeps freezing after I take a few pics, had to keep popping battery and card out but it kept doing it, not sure weather a computer virus from old computer can do things like that probably not. but the brand new laptop I got crashed after I loaded pics maybe just coincidence...the store replaced for new laptop...anyway the boys are huge..bright and shiney..took a group shot pretty nice fellas..and the boy going to the shows with hes nice and gets better every day..dark beetle green sheen ..and they are dwarfing my aussie hens.they get nicknames from husbands freinds like " the ponies, turkeys, and those little hummingbirds"...might go to the fair 1st week in august but more than likley the first show will be sept 11th NY APA. then coboskill..I know Pat will probably call and talk me into the fair..we'll see..rather focus on the latter..

I will be taking the laptop with me , they have wireless right down the street at macdonalds so I will be down there during breaks from the show.Im pretty sure we will be spending the night up there so can settle the birds in .staying on keuka lake by where the pontoon boats land so that will be pretty neat..gotta keep the husband occupied ya know. he can only take so much of the call babies crying to him
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I was told you need a duckwing, but a black-breasted one to make crele? a barred bbr basically is the way i understood it....hmmmmm off to do a bit more research haha
Here is my what I believe to be an incomplete gold penciled orp, lol. She looks more orpingtonish than my hatchery BO girls, very pretty and fluffy.

And here is my momma BO with her and my silkies chicks. (Well, their surrogate chicks I guess, they hatched them but the eggs came from somewhere else)
I was told you need a duckwing, but a black-breasted one to make crele? a barred bbr basically is the way i understood it....hmmmmm off to do a bit more research haha

Oh I have those!


He is for my BBRed project. He is about the same age as the Salmon Breasted Silver Duckwing. He may do.

Here is our newest acquisitions....a juvenile Buff Orpington large fowl trio from the Thortons of Texas. They are pure Twisted Feather (Britt/Jones). Jeff has not introduced any new blood until now. We are very pleased to be able to get such good birds. It was also nice meeting the Thortons. did not have much time to visit as we were at a Target in Little Rock in 100 degrees and no shade. He also brought a single chick and some hatching eggs. We will set the eggs this Saturday with the Lamona eggs.

Jeff also brought a newly hatched Brown Red MGB, a pen of juvenile Brown Red MGB, a couple of BR MGB hatching eggs and the breeding pair of Brown Red MGB and donated them to one of our 4H members. She had lost her Champion winning hen and was really depressed over it. Her parents pastor a small country church and really could not afford to replace the hen. folks, consider donating your quality extras to a 4H club member. Where would many of us be today if someone had not mentored us?


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