Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

I know how my Lav cock was bred and that MAYBE Silver Jon. Just like BUSTOFF. My Lav is a lighter Lav color due to the Silver in his heritage. Just a possible reason for that color. CK said when I take BUS to these DUN pullets I have, since they have recessive Silver there is a chance for some PURE Silvers. Samething Harry told me as well.
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ohhh I will be sitting and waiting for pictures

I know every year i go through this and don't listen..then I'm scrabbling to get things done, all the time talking under my breath to my self about how i should have known will take me a few hours to set every thing up.. You gals are surely ready for most things that some of us guys are not, well the ones i know anyway..i gotta admit its awesome to be married to someone with brains in addition to being a sweet heart..

yes they will produce black type cuckoo with some carrying lav, we are just doing an experiment with them for fun.. may keep some and grow them out.. i will try to get a pic of lav roo with the hens. he is a giant compared to them.. hope they can handle him because the white roo that was with them wasn't even close to this big boy, even though the white roo was apa size.. tomorrow is there free range day so ill try to get some pics..
WOW, you aren't kidding

So did a secret rooster hop the fence or something? ((Just Kidding)) I will be waiting to see him too in a few months when you post pic's would he be called a mottled or no? I'm not sure that is why I'm asking b/c I had a mottled Lav pullet that looked very simalar and now she is mostly Lav with light hues of white in her. I won't be breeding her and Have NO Idea who her momma and poppa were but, I've since sold off all the other stock so I'm preying this does not happen again


Beth, it is amazing as to what can happen with orps, this is my fluke that I can't wait to see how he finishes out!!

My lavender orpington. Yes, he is a lavender orpington!!!

O.k. so now for the details. First let me say that his legs are not yellow, I think it was a combo of the brooder lighting and my camera that make them look yellow, but he is in with yellow legged chicks so I know for sure. He is approx 4-5 weeks old. Oh and yes it is a cockerel!

He is the offspring of a lavender orpington rooster over two orpington hens, a lavender and a split black = 100% orpington. Obviously someone is hiding white?? It will be very interesting to see how he finishes out. He has just the one dark spot as of yet, still not sure if it's black or lav and he has just a couple of slate marks near the hock area on both legs. Just goes to show that when working with lavender you just never know what might pop up.
Wow some really nice babies posted since I was last on here!

I had to tell you all how shocked I was when going to the NEBC show today in Middleboro, MA. There were NO Orpingtons in the show!!!!!!!!!!

I personally would have shown except I couldn't bring them due to hitching a ride with someone and it would have been way to much to wash and prep them in time. But, WOW I couldn't believe the lack of Orp's. That should be a sin I tell ya

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