Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

WOW ! ! ! I have never seen anything like that happen.

A question..... Did you happen to worm your chickens during (or just before) molt?
Are they stressed? I ask this because I have a black Icelandic hen that just molted and her new feathers look almost mottled with white. I was wondering if stress has an effect, because we recently had a hawk attack that has really stressed my flock. That, along with moving them into different pens= stress.
WOW!! I have never seen anything like that..usually a feather might grow back in white if there is folicle damage but never ever have I seen anything like it my imagination or are the feathers kind of like a silkie? maybe its just that stage of growth.. genetics are a funny thing..chickens have something like 42 chomosomes the experts in here on genetics can tell you more than I can..a human has 23 there is a lot of room for a strange anomoly to crop up..I have kept australorps for 25 years...only one bird molted with some barring around the head, a long ago ancestor barred rock..somone must have been working on blacks over whites for a project at one time?
WOW ! ! ! I have never seen anything like that happen.

A question..... Did you happen to worm your chickens during (or just before) molt?
Are they stressed? I ask this because I have a black Icelandic hen that just molted and her new feathers look almost mottled with white. I was wondering if stress has an effect, because we recently had a hawk attack that has really stressed my flock. That, along with moving them into different pens= stress.

I was wondering same thing..isnt that strange? somone said japanese nuclear fallout..not really funny but makes you wonder..that is the weirdest anomoly I have ever seen..I have seen birds stressed and out and out get sick after being moved around but never change colors, Im sure no expert but Im just wondering if its something in the background, like a one time project gene line?? Jees I hope somone who knows pops in here..

Is there any change in the water in your area? chemicals?
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wow is that really the same bird?
the beak is a different color too
WOW ! ! ! I have never seen anything like that happen.

A question..... Did you happen to worm your chickens during (or just before) molt?
Are they stressed? I ask this because I have a black Icelandic hen that just molted and her new feathers look almost mottled with white. I was wondering if stress has an effect, because we recently had a hawk attack that has really stressed my flock. That, along with moving them into different pens= stress.

You should post a picture too Kathy..this is really amazing...You know, we have had repeated fox attacks on the free roamers thou they are not so free, just in large pen.its just a Stomp pen and we are switching it out for something more meaty and permanent....the fox run along the pen and torment these chickens and befor he finished placing it around they did get a couple,and we had a very persistant hawk this last summer, he just sat right up in the trees and statred at them, dive bombed them a couple times .. these birds were shaken up and didnt lay eggs for a while and all molted from weather stress went from 80 degrees to 30 in about 1 day(just seemed that way)..but not one changed color..all have same black green feathers coming in...only one bird molted a long time ago and head feathers showed barring , must have thrown back to barred rock in australorp ancestry..

I just couldnt beleive it when I saw this..beak and all changed color...WOW!!!
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Something else that defies the chicken calculator. I just was told that for my 2 single combs to produce a ROSECOMB is impossible. This was reconfirmed when I wrote one of BYC's genetics legends HENK. But the reality is I got these 2 Cuckoo Rosecomb bantams from my only Cuckoo Orp cock taken to 2 of my BUSTOFF Black single comb Orp daughters.

Last year, not this past summer, I used BUSTOFF with one purebred Black Orp and one purebred Blue Splash Orp. One of his offspring from the Blue Splashe is this Lemon Blue Ameraucana. As some here have already seen my Brown Reds which get their looks from BUSTOFF via breeding his offspring together. I also had a Lemon Blue Orp from that same breeding. I was told to get a Peacomb or Rosecomb was ALSO impossible. I did for a split second second guess myself. BUT, new for near 100% positive this Ameraucana looking bird is infact from BUS. NOW, I have 2 Cuckoo Rosecomb bantam pullets. Who are without any doubts from BUS's 2 daughters. BUS is the only one who threw a Banty last year. These 2 are banties. The Cuckoo cock is the only one I used this year. These 2 are from my Cuckoo cock taken to the BUS's daughters. SO some very unpredictable birds are coming about this year.

She is 75% Orp


Even lays a green egg

These 2 are from a 100% Cuckoo Orp cock and 2 BUSTOFF Black single comb daughters
I have a RC bird that poped out of a SC bird, and also know another person that had a blue RC bird come out of two Buff SC birds too LOL. I am wondering if it would be possible for one of your wyandottes to have jumped the fence?

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