Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

I KNOW, my basement is a MESS. but the bird's cute, no?

So cute!
I don't have enough SOP knowledge to comment but even if I did- it's really hard to see them through the cages. Can you bring them out and take photos? I bet you will get some responses then.
Thanks for answering i know its hard to see
Trying to get them to come for treats so i can let them out. but so far they like them but dont really run for them like my older girls do so Have to chase them if they get out to put them back and it took me 3 hours to catch Sterling when he escaped a week ago.
We played musical chairs all afternoon !! LOL. Once they do come to me they can start to come out later in the day like the girls get to.
Thanks for answering i know its hard to see
Trying to get them to come for treats so i can let them out. but so far they like them but dont really run for them like my older girls do so Have to chase them if they get out to put them back and it took me 3 hours to catch Sterling when he escaped a week ago.
We played musical chairs all afternoon !! LOL. Once they do come to me they can start to come out later in the day like the girls get to.
Chicken tag is rather like trying to herd cats. Stop it. Just get a hose with a nozzle that says "Jet". Call; Chick, chick, and use the spray to herd them in. Works every time.

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