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Can you ship to Indiana? And I was refering to the one or two that had both wattles and comb two have combs but no wattles they are probably pullets
Can you ship to Indiana? And I was refering to the one or two that had both wattles and comb two have combs but no wattles they are probably pullets

I know exactly nil about shipping birds. I wouldn't want to attempt it. Sorry. But how close do you live to Bedford? Maybe I could convince my aunt to come for a visit and take a special passenger back with her? Thanks for the tip about the wattles. I'll check them tomorrow and see if they just don't have those yet and could still be pullets or if they just didn't show up in the pics. I've been paging through the lav orp thread and these guys seem to have nearly brighter and bigger combs than most of the mature hens!
I live in bridgeton Indiana it's near rockville it's a bit north of there about four counties north not sure actual Milage as far as shipping I think a box with holes and postage stamp is all you need that's how it normally works.. Lady picked up chicks when I was shipping eggs and that's all she had but it wasn't just one if you have more then one and don't want them I'll take them all( that you don't want)
Can you ship to Indiana? And I was refering to the one or two that had both wattles and comb two have combs but no wattles they are probably pullets

Yeah. Just took pictures of their faces again to check specifically and see if there are wattles. Took them one at a time as they went out to the run so no mistaking if there were duplicates or anybody got missed. The results:
Comb and wattles

Comb and wattles

Comb and wattles

Yeah. Just took pictures of their faces again to check specifically and see if there are wattles. Took them one at a time as they went out to the run so no mistaking if there were duplicates or anybody got missed. The results:
Comb and wattles

Comb and wattles

Comb and wattles


yes but notice how one is noticeably larger... and the other two are merely bumps id say there is hope that they arnt roos but still have to wait to be positive in the meantime research shipping chickens lol

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