Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

here is my blue/splash gang and some of their babies




Mabye you can help me...I have some rescued baby chicks..I was told they may be buff orpingtons...or red broilers..can you tell from these pictures if they look like yours did as baby chicks? Unsure of age..or where they came from...was found on cardboard box on side of road with 10 little rhode island reds...
Your ladies are just lovely by the the pictures!!


thanks so much for any help!!
How old are your ladies? The baby chicks look so cute!
looks like they may be buff orps x the feathers are not pure buff so i think cross? if it is a rooster, it has little waddles starting already..., have to see when they get older..
my girls are a year old and yes the babies are to die for!! love them! lol
Hello everyone

So, out of my fifteen chicks, only thirteen are allive as of today
I feel horrible! But, we got their heat lamp working so they are warm and happy, except for one who has a bum infection =/ Check it out in the emergencies section if you think you can help
Louie, it is okay. No one is any harder on chicks then me. And you will make it thru. Only the strong survive theory
Flotilla is one of the strong. Some of his fellow mates are no more.

I sent some of his sis's out West of Indy. 2 were dang nice!

Daughter of the Penguin. She should make some big Buffs from my original line of Buff hens
I've been studying the Chicken Calculator. Does it say that a splash mated with a splash will only produce splash? Those mulitlinguals are confusing me!
My splash orp is being mated with a splash orp roo AND a black arcauna. I want to know if I can tell if the chicks are pure orp. ( After all, only one lucky spermie can fertilize the egg, right?)
they'reHISchickens :

I've been studying the Chicken Calculator. Does it say that a splash mated with a splash will only produce splash? Those mulitlinguals are confusing me!
My splash orp is being mated with a splash orp roo AND a black arcauna. I want to know if I can tell if the chicks are pure orp. ( After all, only one lucky spermie can fertilize the egg, right?)

yes splash X splash is 100% splash

splash X black is 100% blue​

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