Post pics of stock from Ideal Poultry please !!

Mine were shipped yesterday and they arrived today. I go pick them up at my friends tomarrow morning
She has them all settled in, every one is doing awesome!
Mine will be shipped probably next weds 17th and arrive on Thursday the 18th.
I'm always so excited the P.O. always calls me about 6am and I go pick them up and listen to all the peeping on the way home.
Will post pics here soon as I get them it will be Ducks,Bantams and Turkeys
Wow! I'm surprised by Eva - Normally hatchery Light Brahmas have a lot of pencilling on their backs. Do you have any other photos showing her back? I'm very curious as to how she'll grow to look like in another couple months. Brahmas don't really fill out entirely until they're a year old. So far she looks pretty good.
OK, im finally sure what im getting,

2 GL LF cochin pullets

2 SL LF cochin pullets

2 buff cochin pullets

3 std sultans

3 silkies ( idk what color)

sooo if i get 1 female from each the sultans and silkies, and both of each color of cochin survive, my final flock will be...

2 white cochin hens
2 SL pullets
2 GL pullets
2 buff pullets
1 sultan pullet
1 silkie pullet
and 1 bantam barred cochin roo

(PS: i already had the white and barred cochins)

gonna be a nice looking flock....if i do say so myself

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