Post pics of your chicks thread!!!

This is Blowfish and Hootie

This is Hawkeye

This is Spider-Chick
This is Blackie on my youngest sons head (he was not too happy about this LOL)

This was May 1st. They all have some feathers now
X2 on the broody hens!!! Great pics! Man, my chicks are going thru that ugly age right now! So as promised, here they are!
3 1/2 weeks old.

Above is supposed to be a white rock. The other 3 are white. Wonder what he is?

Having a hard time figuring who is Dark Cornish & who is Easter Egger.

Buff Orpington pullet. The gals are like rag dolls. Just go limp when you pick them up. Love 'em!

Columbian Wyandotte

Black Australorp These guys have attitude! Not very good ones either. Feisty!!! Lol!

I'm thinking this one is Easter Egger.

White Chantecler
our blrw asleep on the roost. looks like he's going to fall off. they sleep so weired when they are little.
My 7.5 week olds have went from this:

to THIS......... (and can someone tell me why the little yellow chick in the top left is not growing like it's other hatchmates - so far it's tiny and only has wing feathers! It is suppose to be the same size as the others but seems to be stuck at this size - I have three week old's that are bigger and have more feathers - any ideas??? )

And here are the Muscovies (8 weeks) that were brooded with this bunch......

Fluffy (the hen that raised this brood) - has started laying again. BUT her sister Muffin went broody on May 15th ...............

Then there are the 3 week olds - 12 Hatched April 26th (they loved the sunny spot on the porch and wouldn't let me get individual pics)..........

And now THE 16 NEWBIES (as of yesterday!)

Just LOVE the way they sleep!

Light Brahma (hen) X Dominique (roo)

Dominique .........

.......... they didn't like standing still.

Blue Splash Ameraucana

Ameraucana (hen) X Dominique (roo)

Buff Orpington (hen) X Dominique (roo) - this one wouldn't stop chasing it's toes for the pic ... too cute!! LOL

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