Post pics of your chicks thread!!!


Gertrude, my black giant, helping on the laptop!
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These pics are all so adorable! I'm not sure if this thread will still be active by the time I get my chicks in May, but if it is I'll make sure and post tons of pictures when they arrive! I'm getting 10 chicks. Hopefully all females like I ordered. I'm getting...

Two black Australorps
Two Golden Campines
Two Buff Orpingtons
Two White Leghorns
and Two Easter Eggers.

I'm really excited!
These ones on top are 2 of my 6 chicks that are now 10 days old. I wonder if someone can tell me if they are Rhode Island Reds or ISA Browns, or some kind of reds? Also, do you think they are both females? I'd appreciate your input. Thanks.
omg i lost one of my new baby silver lace polish's and i went to replace her with a new baby from D&B and came home now with 2 more chicks instead of one omg my neighbors are so gona kill me i offaly am over runned and any idea's on how to keep your mother away from the house so she doesnt know her daughter is going masivly chicken crazy.. cause i'm officaly now over the city limit of chickens in my yard by 11 and 2 of them are roosters and thats a huge nono lol... and to be honest i dont want to stop next week more chicks come in to D&B and they got ones i want and i want to go buy some more >< lord i need to get out of the city anybody want to adopt me and my furry, feathery and scally family :D

P.S i will provide roaches hehe as i got a good about 1000 or so since i breed them for food :p

These little guys are from my last hatch! Barnyard mix hen and OEG roo, they are about a month old now I will post some new pics of them the hens are becoming so cute

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