Post Pics of your Leghorns

Our predators are mostly nocturnal. We have daytime hawks, at night, coyotes, fox, black bears, possums, owls, bobcats, house/barn cats that roam the area at night. This is the time when most of the young are fledgling and this is when once in a great while I might hear something that has made contact with the fence. The predator youngsters are now more or less on their own and wow there are birds here, mom & dad didn't show us this, ZAP.
We inherited a flock of 17 chickens. They are all hatchery birds. In the mix were these two beauties. I'm pretty sure they are White Leghorn, but figured you all would be the ones to ask.

Also, can you tell of they are hens or cockerels? We've only had them a week and no eggs yet so no conformation there.


Their faces are bright red... so they should start laying any second.

Unless you are far north and are low on natural light... not sure where yiu are located.

In the cold and dark northern latitudes chickens need fourteen hours of light to lay... or you can wait until February ish.


You should love them... Leghorns lay like gang busters
could they be laying somewhere beside the nesting box? as frosted flake pointed out, they have reddened up real nice. if they haven't yet, they should be soon. i have had them start on dec 23, on several occasions(the days are just starting to get longer). pretty cool, I thought, lol
I have dark browns and really like them.

I have never seen a red.... cant wait for photos.

lol (at least I think she is red lol)
there she is (these pics are REALLY old! you should see her comb now!
my dad though she was a rooster lol) and now she lays us a nice big white egg almost every day! she is not really Leghorn like on her personality......she is sweet as an be and doesn't mind me holding her or petting her! I hold her a lot! lol!


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