Post Pics of your Leghorns

Leghorn Roo breed to Ancona hen

Ancona in front that was breed to Roo on top, hen in the back is the doughter of them, wich was breed back to the Leghorn Dad

Little Roo born to Leghorn dad and ancona leghorn mix hen

I like this kind of Dalmatian looking chickens, What do you guys think????
Since this seems like a good Leghorn thread, can someone please tell me what I should look for in pullets hatched March 20th of this year when choosing which birds to get for the fair? Large red combs, small lighter colored combs, other attributes? Please help me! I posted a thread but no one ever seems to comment on my threads
I'm desperate for help. You can PM me or answer my thread or post a reply. That would be awesome! They are Pearl White Leghorns from McMurray stock. Help please!
Haha yeah, I've noticed the Reds aren't very popular..odd, because I think they are beautiful birds! Congrats! Are they chicks or adults?
Haha yeah, I've noticed the Reds aren't very popular..odd, because I think they are beautiful birds! Congrats! Are they chicks or adults?

Yep, they sure are! I just love that nice red color. I've been missing my RIR's, so these little guys are starting to satisfy that

Mine will probably be ready to lay by this fall. They're looking more like grown-ups everyday. I guess they're in the teen stage
They ordered all pullets, but of course what do you know, there's a rooster in the bunch
There MAY be two, but it's hard to tell when even the hens have some good sized combs going on.
I am glad I have a rooster though, so now I can breed more of these beauties
I'd call them uncommon, so perhaps we'll be able to sell some hatching eggs later?
Me too! It's like a deep cherry red, I think it looks beautiful! These girlies are my first chickens, so I don't really have much to compare to haha.

Oh yeah? Mine will hopefully be laying by the end of the summer, maybe August or September, according to my rough estimates. Yeah, my girls are the same...they're getting their adult feathers in right now. Out of curiosity, where did you get them from? I ordered all pullets too, and by the looks of things, they're all girls. I'm hoping they are haha.

Yeah, I'm thinking in the future I might get a roo, but since I ordered a roo in my next set of chicks, I don't think having two would be a good option. (at least not for the time being) But, I think you're right, its definitely a plausible idea! More people should have some of these pretty birdies!
Lol nice name mine layed everyday until one day she went missing. I had people coming up to me at the fair offering to buy her lol everyone liked the look of her and the others like her. Maybe i should make the cross...

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