Post pics of your turkeys.

All of those turkeys are so beautiful! Turkeys have got to be my favorite bird and I would love to get some again!

Leah567- what breed is that beautiful white tom?
I had a tom when I was just a toddler who was just the sweetest. And I've loved turkeys ever since. I got a pair of poults about 6 years ago but I didn't know much and I'm quite sure they were broad breasted bronze, they were gigantic! I did my best to keep them from overeating but it's hard to beat the genetics... they did live a few years though... they were kinda hard to deal with because they followed me everywhere lol! It's hard to get work done with turkeys trying to help!

My local tractor supply is getting poults this month... I doubt they'll have anything other than meat birds BUT if they do then I'm definitely taking some home! I have a 2 year old boy and I think every child should have a turkey!!

How big do midget whites get in comparison to the heritage breeds? Are any breeds more or less cold hardy? I live in the U.P. of Michigan and it gets really cold here!

My baby, Pepper. He's an Atesian and just gorgeous.

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