Post pics of your turkeys.

The hens can brood out 15 each? I am looking into starting a breeding set, but have limited choices on the island to choose from. The Ag department will not allow any turkeys shipped in from the mainland. I have the red bourbon and the white Royal Palm for heritage breeds, and one that looks like a wild turkey but that is few and far between.
Two royal palm and one bourbon red chicks behind feed dish.

Here they are 12 days old.

With some guinea fowl

Free ranging at 18 days

I'll post more as they grow up so you can see progress if that's okay.
Pic from this morning, some are three days old and ten days old, still have about 35 eggs in the incubator. First eggs that I hatch from my Turkeys that looked like Standard bronze so was quiet surprised when I saw all the different colors :confused:
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I ordered five standard bronze but cackle was out of them. They gave me an extra royal palm and a refund.
Pic from this morning, some are three days old and ten days old, still have about 35 eggs in the incubator. First eggs that I hatch from my Turkeys that looked like Standard bronze so was quiet surprised when I saw all the different colors :confused:View attachment 557488

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