Post pics of your Wyandottes

No problem it takes my computer time to load it but it is worth the wait. I get to see what my hens might look like.
I have 10 SLW at 5 weeks and I have one that has the more white on its neck and breast feathers like the one in your photos.
To those who admired my pics of my BLRW I can't really take credit, I hatched them from eggs I bought from Blisschick !!!!

I got 3 dark and 3 light with only one being a cockerel....I am exceptionally pleased with them!!!

Now, how did you manage to hatch a flock with one rooster?? What are the odds of that happening?? LOL

I didn't realize those were from my flock. Wow, I guess my eggs kind of got around this past summer! Hopefully, they'll do as well this coming year, and I have some new girls I got from another breeder to add to what I didn't cull from this past year's chicks. I've ended up with a keeping two dark & light roos, and think I may have only two dark pullets and and possibly another roo...all the rest are light. I have it all figured out, though, and I should have a lot more blues this coming year.

I hope your babies make pretty babies too!
I have 15 SLW eggs in the bator from Brent, Danny39 on here. Should hatch on the 18th. I'm so excited! My first bator experience! These are such beautiful birds! Hope I can post pics later!
Only 3 hatched, but they are beautiful babies. Set my own eggs last night. Hoping for a better hatch rate this time around. PO just to rough on the shipped ones. They were wrapped beautifully tho.
Here are my BLR teens. They've grown some and are getting rounder since I took these but it's so hard to get good chicken pictures.
They came from Foley.

Yes, that's my horse's rump in the background. The chickens live in the barn with the horses and rabbits.

This pullet was so angry I put her in this cage to take pictures. They all free-range.

On top of the Dutch Door. This isn't good for showing color/lacing but I think it's a cute shot.
Here's one of my (six!) SL cockerels:

Poultry by Cowgirl Jules, on Flickr

Two pullets and a cockerel:

Poultry by Cowgirl Jules, on Flickr

One of my BLR cockerels, complaining:

Poultry by Cowgirl Jules, on Flickr

The other BLR cockerel. I haven't decided which of those two to keep yet.

Poultry by Cowgirl Jules, on Flickr

A pretty BLR pullet:

Poultry by Cowgirl Jules, on Flickr

My darkest BLR pullet:

Poultry by Cowgirl Jules, on Flickr

My only splash BLR pullet. Her lacing isn't complete.

Poultry by Cowgirl Jules, on Flickr

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