Post picture of your turkeys!

I bought this pair at an auction and was told they are Narragansetts but the coloring seems different. Any input as to if what they are??

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I just bought four poults a couple days ago...

These are the Blue Slates, Louis & Ana

This is my Chocolate named Coco

The last is a Bourbon Red I named Cinnamon. This one is actually the reason I bought the poults at the feed store. I opened the cage door and all the others ran away then out of no where this one came hoping and bouncing towards me and literally hopped into my arms so I just had to keep it lol and find it some friends.

On the way home the Blue Slates kept playing peek-a-boo in my hoodie pocket lol
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I just bought four poults a couple days ago...

These are the Blue Slates, Louis & Ana

This is my Chocolate named Coco

The last is a Bourbon Red I named Cinnamon. This one is actually the reason I bought the poults at the feed store. I opened the cage door and all the others ran away then out of no where this one came hoping and bouncing towards me and literally hopped into my arms so I just had to keep it lol and find it some friends.

On the way home the Blue Slates kept playing peek-a-boo in my hoodie pocket lol


Congrats. Turkeys are a blast.

Enjoy them.

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