Post pictures of your quail here!

I've done alot of reading about California quail and I think you're right that they are not tame.

Coturnix have been domesticated for about 2,000 years which must be the difference.

That being said, I've had some from a colony that flushed whenever I came near the coop.

I hand raised a second group and hand fed often and this group is very calm around me.
Not exactly quail yet... Soon to be texas a&m quail chicks :p there are 14 that made it to lock down and are due tomorrow :woot

Hey all!

I haven't been on this forum in quite a while. I tend to hang out at another one that focuses more on natural keeping methods. But I love this one too as there's also nice folks here & a lot of fun silliness that goes on! That said, below are some of my pics:

My first two (home laid) quail eggs.

A hen bathing in deep litter.

A boy with a mohawk.

And for fun...coturnix eggs next to my Wyandotte's egg. Yum!

I've more pics on my deviant art site & some pics of my chickens too (they all share a coop). Also video of my quail & chickens can be seen here. If you're interested in learning how I keep my birds happy & healthy, please toss me a PM!^^
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