Post Weird Stories of your chickens and what crazy things that they've done!


7 Years
Feb 26, 2012
A few nights ago one of my chicks was lonely. Her sisters left her and she was peeping very loudly. She tried to snuggle with one of my roosters but he didn't like that. I felt sorry for her so I picked her up and let her snuggle with me. She really seemed to like that. I let Peepers(the chick) sit on my shoulder. She found my hair and after a while she got all cozy.For a few minutes she had fun preening my hair. A few minutes later she settled down to sleep. She really seemed to like my hair!
i left a box of tomatoe twine in my barn with my 3 month old pullets the other day,i went back into the barn late that afternoon to find about 500 feet of tomatoe twine wrapped around the brooders the feed storage containers the barn doors it was everywhere. it took me an hour to get all of that twine cut loose and cleaned up. they had it all tied in knots and wrapped round and round the legs of everything. what a nice suprise.
Several of My chickens have discovered If I don't get out early enough to give them treats and extra food that they can travel around the back yard up my Deck stairs and that they will usually find me sitting near the sliding glass doors drinking some coffee, which then they will lightly knock with their beaks to get my attention : )
For a few nights my chicks would go off and roost somewhere. Every evening I went in search of them, expecting to find them perched somewhere in the woods. I looked everywhere I could possibly think of. Two nights ago I found them. Roosted several feet above my head, on a tree in my yard!

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