Post Your Best Joke!!!

*Blonde moment* I don't get it...

Neither did I at first...but PAST A FIELD WITH A ROWBOAT.

My blonde joke?
How do you kill a blonde?

You put a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of the pool.
She thought she was drowning. I surrender. No more from me.
*Blonde moment* I don't get it...

Neither did I at first...but PAST A FIELD WITH A ROWBOAT.

My blonde joke?
How do you kill a blonde?

You put a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of the pool.

One blonde was walking along, carrying a bag. Another blonde came along and asked, "What's in the bag?"
"Chickens," said the 1st.
"How many?" asked the 2nd.
"If I can guess, will you give me a chicken?"
"If you can guess, I'll give you BOTH!"
"Okay... I guess... 3?"

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