Ended Post Your Best (Worst) Chicken Molt Pictures - 2023

Feather explosion on the roosts 3 days ago, she's trying to pretend she's a naked neck.
Did NOT want her picture taken. :lol:


Cinder, my Easter Egger.




Story time! Once upon a time, my mother called me up in a panic, asking me if her chicken was going to die because it had lost all its feathers. I am extremely ashamed to admit it was an amused eye roll moment for me as I told her the bird was probably molting. A couple years later and I've been paid back in full for laughing at my mother, because when I walked outside and saw Cinder like this my first thought was, "Oh cheese, what the heck happened to my bird!?" I nearly had a heart attack. I was searching for signs of a predator/flock attack, plucking, or a major worm load before coming to the conclusion that it was just a molt. I hadn't realized I'd never experienced a chicken going through a truly ugly molt before. My poor Mom; now I know exactly how she felt!
Cinder, my Easter Egger.

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Story time! Once upon a time, my mother called me up in a panic, asking me if her chicken was going to die because it had lost all its feathers. I am extremely ashamed to admit it was an amused eye roll moment for me as I told her the bird was probably molting. A couple years later and I've been paid back in full for laughing at my mother, because when I walked outside and saw Cinder like this my first thought was, "Oh cheese, what the heck happened to my bird!?" I nearly had a heart attack. I was searching for signs of a predator/flock attack, plucking, or a major worm load before coming to the conclusion that it was just a molt. I hadn't realized I'd never experienced a chicken going through a truly ugly molt before. My poor Mom; now I know exactly how she felt!
Our birds sure do love to scare us, we can lock them up at night, open up the the morning and they have "poofed" off all their feathers! Did a predator get in? Was there a chicken brawl going on all night? :gig

Poor girl, she looks pretty rough! Hopefully she gets done molting before the winter winds start blowing. Thanks for entering!
Cinder, my Easter Egger.

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Story time! Once upon a time, my mother called me up in a panic, asking me if her chicken was going to die because it had lost all its feathers. I am extremely ashamed to admit it was an amused eye roll moment for me as I told her the bird was probably molting. A couple years later and I've been paid back in full for laughing at my mother, because when I walked outside and saw Cinder like this my first thought was, "Oh cheese, what the heck happened to my bird!?" I nearly had a heart attack. I was searching for signs of a predator/flock attack, plucking, or a major worm load before coming to the conclusion that it was just a molt. I hadn't realized I'd never experienced a chicken going through a truly ugly molt before. My poor Mom; now I know exactly how she felt!
At long last, I received the apology I so richly deserved. I KNEW my hen was on the brink of death. My heart still pounds when I recall my first reaction to upon seeing her for the first time. Feathers scattered everywhere. Her pink, plucked body sprawled in the dirt. How was I supposed to know she was merely sleeping in the warm sunlight?!?!?!

Poor old dear, she decided that winter in Canada was a great time to moult. We have been fortunate it hasn’t been too cold, but that’s come to a screeching halt today. And snow in a couple days with temps below freezing even during the day.

But today it’s +5C and some sun, too bad she’s bald and shivering it’s wasn’t too bad a day!


Oh poor girl! They always start molting at the first snow fall, don't they?! ❄ Hopefully she finishes before the depths of winter is upon you! Stay warm up there! And thanks for entering!
Today it was a balmy -8C this morning and only got to -2C, poor Sophia tried to go outside but after a couple minutes she headed back inside.

Sure looked nice out there but wow that wind was cold! Eap if your a half bald chook!


Poor old dear, she decided that winter in Canada was a great time to moult. We have been fortunate it hasn’t been too cold, but that’s come to a screeching halt today. And snow in a couple days with temps below freezing even during the day.

But today it’s +5C and some sun, too bad she’s bald and shivering it’s wasn’t too bad a day!

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Oh poor girl! They always start molting at the first snow fall, don't they?! ❄ Hopefully she finishes before the depths of winter is upon you! Stay warm up there! And thanks for entering!

Poor old dear, she decided that winter in Canada was a great time to moult. We have been fortunate it hasn’t been too cold, but that’s come to a screeching halt today. And snow in a couple days with temps below freezing even during the day.

But today it’s +5C and some sun, too bad she’s bald and shivering it’s wasn’t too bad a day!

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Today it was a balmy -8C this morning and only got to -2C, poor Sophia tried to go outside but after a couple minutes she headed back inside.

Sure looked nice out there but wow that wind was cold! Eap if your a half bald chook!

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Oh poor Sophia, she does look cold! Maybe you will get a warm snap in your territory, she could use the warmth!

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