Post your Chick Pictures Here!!!

We have 4 new chicks, all roughly 2 weeks old! So excited, so amazing to see all their little personalities coming out.

Meet Beatrice, our Bared Rock:

Boo Radley, The Astrolorpe:

Buffy Orpington, "The Slug Slayer"

And, Olivia, our charming Easter Egger!

Silkie back ride

And here is a pic of "The Chicken Jungle". Our pup is being trained- very carefully- that the chicks are part of the pack.
I don't think she'll every be allowed free range with the chickens, unattended... But, if she continues to be good, over a very long time, she can be out in the yard with us when they are free ranging. Supervised, of course.

We'll see how that goes.
My Silkie Stepmother-hens giving some tender loving care to the wild chicks in my property:)

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