post your chicken coop pictures here!

cavemanrich just noticed your in Melrose Park, don't know how long you've lived there. I was born at West Suburban Hospital in Oak Park in '52, had relatives that lived in Melrose Park. Could we be related? LMAO.
Very possibly we are related. Only thing from different mom and different dad.

Second possibility is we are actually TWINS like Danny Devido and Arnold Shwartzenegger. I was more premature so they kept me in the hospital a few more years. You were sent home.

Been in Melrose Park since 84. In Chicago before that.
Thank you. I just wanted make sure it wasn't damaging to their feet to be on a rounded pole. They seem to hunker down on it fine covering their feet.

Somewhere, possibly this thread, someone posted information about the leg and toe joint structures of chickens and how they use these parts of their body during perching/roosting but I don't know where or who it was that posted the info. It was interesting that once the chicken closes the toes around a perch they naturally sort of lock into place keeping the bird perched and not falling off and why rounded edge perches were better than large thick perches or flat perches. Wish I knew who posted to ask for the link since I couldn't find it again. Both my 2x4 board and 2x2 rounded edge perches were the same height and my chickens chose the 2x2 rounded edge perches. Go figure? They seem to pick what feels best for them. I have a 5-lb Ameraucana who goes back and forth between roosting on the 2x2 rounded edge "window seat" perch or sometimes one of the nestboxes. I have a 4-lb Breda who has always preferred the 2x2 perch and also has a "window seat" to perch by. The two Silkies use perches during the day occasionally but for roosting they sleep in a nestbox. All have different sleeping preferences.
On the roost/perch issue. I too recall the post about the chickens feet make up and how they are not made to grasp branches like wild birds. That being said though, I use dead trees or tree limbs large enough that my birds only slightly curve their feet but yet are fully covered by their feathers. Ohio winters. Have had the same roost for close to 3 yrs and no foot problems. Have added more in the run and in new coop. Do not remember diameter size, I cannot get my hand around them though.
Thank you. I just wanted make sure it wasn't damaging to their feet to be on a rounded pole. They seem to hunker down on it fine covering their feet.

I posted it, I'll get the link in a bit...

Thank you, I hope to save it this time to show my sister. She is having this debate with her Husband now.

First posted edited but here is the link again...
Sweet PDZ is a stall freshener. It is a granular substance and works great to sift out chicken poop.
Sweet PDZ Stall Freshner

Horse stall refresher is made of an all-natural, non-toxic and non-hazardous granular mineral. Contains no masking scents or perfumes. Absorbs moisture and neutralizes ammonia and odors through cation exchange (a unique neutralizing process associated with Clinoptilolite Zeolite, Sweet PDZ's main ingredient). Safe and superior alternative to hydrated lime and barn lime. Extends bedding life, reduces fly population, environmentally "green".
Here is a pix

There are many different brands also. You can get at most feed stores as well as places like TSC.

sweet pdz is made of clinoptilolite which has an affinity towards ammonia.

It may or may not be good in the compost pile.... I have to do more research


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