post your chicken coop pictures here!

Hey much lighter note here Bob Dylan has been give the Nobel peace price in literature

They did not consult with me. And they did not give me ANYTHING. This is my 2187 th posting. I think I outdid Bob Dylan by a longshot.
Cloud so swift the rain fallin' in
Gonna see a movie called Gunga Din
Pack up your money, pull up your tent in the wind
You ain't a goin' no where
Hoo wee, ride me high
Tomorrow's the day my brides a'gonna come
Hoo wee, are we gonna fly
Down into the easy chair
Genghis Khan and his brother Don
Couldn't keep on keepin' on
We'll climb that bridge after it's gone
After we're way past it
Hoo wee, ride me high
Tomorrow's the day my bride's a'gonna come
Hoo wee, are we gonna fly
Down into the easy chair, yeah
Buy me some rings and a gun that sings
A flute that toots and a bee that stings
A sky that cries and a bird that flies
A fish that walks and a dog that talks
Hoo wee, ride me high
Tomorrow's the day my bride's a'gonna come
Hoo wee, are we gonna fly
Down into the easy chair
Hoo wee, ride me high
Hey sylvester017, do you ONLY have cement in your backyard? if so, what do your chicken do for free range?

Short answer -- No, we don't have ONLY cement in the backyard LOL!

Long answer -- 6 years of drought changed how we looked at things for the backyard:

About 6 yrs ago before our State declared drought our backyard soil was very weedy and soil was about a foot higher than the original patio slab and after trying to dig the dirt out with shovels we finally decided to dig with a Bobcat tractor instead.

Old tarped chainlink fence torn down and Bobcat shaved the backyard and frontyard soil. Neighbor's house was unoccupied so no noise complaints.

The front part of the photo with paver stones was hand-dug down a foot lower than the back part of the yard where the doghouse were. Such a mess we just tore everything down, leveled the soil w/Bobcat, erected a block wall with privacy fencing, and because of the Calif drought started laying the people side of the yard with paver stones and some on the chicken side of the yard with paver stones so their feathered feet don't get stuck in mud during the rainy season.

6 yrs ago the backyard soil was higher than the old patio slab (potted plants are on the old slab).

A block wall and 2 new covered patios erected - one patio for the chicken coop (background) and one covered patio for people (foreground)

There is still plenty of dirt for the chickens to scratch around in - way too much for just 4 hens. Canopy and all the doghouses are for chickens.

When the State has water restrictions there isn't much choice but to use pavers to cover the hard dirt -- in the rainy season the dirt turns muddy so pavers keeps things cleaner.

The chickens spend more time on the paver stones because that's where the container pots are to look for weed sprouts and bugs! We have to provide plenty of chopped leafy greens for them because the drought dried up all the grass and weeds. There's no shortage of bugs however!

Raised garden bed vegetation is a yummy place for chickens to catch their juicy worms and bugs.

After the patios were erected there was a lot of shade for the hens to toodle around during summer. Horrific fires surrounded our valley for several months so we were constantly battling soot, smoke, and dirt layers on everything in the yard! We are in October now and still having 80+ degree weather.
Hey much lighter note here Bob Dylan has been give the Nobel peace price in literature

Seems to me the committee in Sweden has been drinking too much Absolut Vodka.

And perhaps so have you
, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature by the Swedish Academy. The Nobel Peace Prize is a different one and is awarded by the Norwegian Nobel Committee.
Here are pictures of the coop we made out of pallets, plywood and 2x4's.

I would add some windows in the front for more light. And the advice to paint ASAP is good advice. Nice Job. The rafter ventilation is Ideal. If you have raccoons in area, they can squeeze thru there. Good to secure with hardware cloth. Chicken wire almost useless against raccoons. Will you put in a pop door at the bottom?

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