post your chicken coop pictures here!

Hi all, new to the site as a member, but have been lurking off and on for awhile. Finally decided to join and officially begin my backyard adventure.

This thread has been a literal obsession for me over the past 4 days, visiting it as often as possible for coop & run ideas. I am pleased as punch to finally post some pics of my own!

First we roped off the designated coop/run area. We can't free range the chickens unsupervised, so they need a substantial area to scratch and play and stretch their wings... hopefully this will do the trick.

We've had to modify the are a little bit so we can utilize a sidewalk that goes almost all the way around the run to help critter proof the girls.

For the coop we drilled an old upsidedown dining room table top onto the legs of a discarded pinic table for the floor and foundation.

We knew it was going to get heavy, so we moved it into it's place in the run area and framed it out there.

We used 2/3 of an old front door, so there was a built in window for light at least, if not for ventilation. There will be other windows that open and a ventilation space at the top since we're going to angle the roof for rain run-off. The rest of the framing is an old bunk bed frame we had in the shed.

There's still a lot to do, but I'll update as it progresses. THANKS to every person who posted their pics in this thread, it has been more appreciated than you know

Now to find us some chickens to appreciate all our hard work!

ETA: The run dimensions are going to be approximately 13' L x 8' W x 6-ish' H and the coop approx. 4' W x 3' W x 3 1/2' H. And we are hoping to get 5 chickens.
welcome aboard, that is so cool, use things around the house.
Thanks gilcamp!! Nothing goes to waste around here and creativity is our middle name. DH is super handy like that and he even suggested we go up on the coop another whole foot on the left and 18" on the right to increase their space. He also said we should have more than enough material left over to build a brooder/sick coop at the other end of the run!! I've got im addicted to chicken accomodation building, he's even talking about turning the run into a chicken playground with extra roosts, an old water fountain my mother-in-law offered us and a dirt bath area under the coop!!

Happy Chickens
We finally have our beach house chicken coop finished! It's 10 feet long and 3 feet wide. I am not sure how tall. I would say 6 feet at the tallest point. Not a moment too soon either, the chicks were jumping out of their temporary brooder! So far they love it. The ramp is a little steep for them still, but they have been climbing up and sliding/flying down it. We did use chicken wire, but we do not have much wildlife to worry about. Mostly cats and some crazy squirrels. (they keep planting peanuts for me)

We live in Central FL, it gets hot here and we tend to have a lot of rain. The run is sand, which should help the rain percolate through and not puddle. The roof is painted white to help reflect the sunlight, and also sloped so the rain runs off better. The roof over the run is white metal. So far we have pine in the nesting box area.
But I am interested in putting something "scoopable" there instead. We still need to add another vent and probably some more ventilation holes too.

I am sure the white trim won't stay white for long, but it matches our house, and it looks nice now :)

I love the beachy color refreshing somehow! Only things I didn't see (doesn't mean it wasn't there, LOL) what about roost? Even little ones have that instinct. And you will need to put a board (maybe 4") across the front of the nesting box. They will eventually get into their box to lay and scratch around .....throwing the nesting material right out of the box! Mine did and I went back to put it in. LOLOL Mine was hard to get to so that was comical ! When you have the roost.....don't forget to put in a poop board right below it so you can remove it and clean it easily. They poop all night looooong ! I would love to have your coop in my backyard...except, I would have to put the 1/4" hardware cloth wiring on it....too many predators here in the country !!!
[/IMG]. Going in to do some last finish work and now so excited to let the Ducks into their new "Habitat!!" I call it Habitat.. Because it should ALWAYS be more than just a "PEN!"
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We finally have our beach house chicken coop finished! It's 10 feet long and 3 feet wide. I am not sure how tall. I would say 6 feet at the tallest point. Not a moment too soon either, the chicks were jumping out of their temporary brooder! So far they love it. The ramp is a little steep for them still, but they have been climbing up and sliding/flying down it. We did use chicken wire, but we do not have much wildlife to worry about. Mostly cats and some crazy squirrels. (they keep planting peanuts for me) We live in Central FL, it gets hot here and we tend to have a lot of rain. The run is sand, which should help the rain percolate through and not puddle. The roof is painted white to help reflect the sunlight, and also sloped so the rain runs off better. The roof over the run is white metal. So far we have pine in the nesting box area. But I am interested in putting something "scoopable" there instead. We still need to add another vent and probably some more ventilation holes too. I am sure the white trim won't stay white for long, but it matches our house, and it looks nice now :)
Love the color! Very cute coop!
I love it. That's the samr color I am going to paint mine. It looks close to the same size too. Do you have any pics of the inside of coop? How many feather babies do you have?
Thank you @acates !

The paint is from a Finnish manufacturer, water based latex (Tikkurilan Vinha Kullervo 2663, allthough you will probably not do anything with that information =)).

We have 2 Speckled Sussex'es at 5 weeks, pullet and roo, 1 Marans pullet at 8 weeks, and 3 Marans-Araucana mixes also at 8 weeks, two of them are roos. Probably going to have to cook some of the roos soon. We're also getting three Finnish Alho hens the weekend after next, they were born in January so we'll be able to get eggs a bit earlier thanks to them.

Here's a link to my coop, loads of pictures there: The Scandin-Avian Coop
  • jtbass2756 I actually don't have a roost. We didn't realize what that was until yesterday :( They chicks have just been snuggling up at night together. So we will have to add that. Should the roost be added inside the coop? Also, the "poop tray" is this generally removable, for ease of cleaning? It sounds like the tray is placed under the roost. Is that right?
  • I think I do have a board in front of the nesting box already, let me know if this is what you are talking about. Maybe it's not big enough. Check out the pic below.

  • Thanks!

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