post your chicken coop pictures here!

We have eight girls. Two leghorns, two Buff Orpingtons, two Speckled Sussexes, an Australorp and a Rhode Island Red. Ale are 21 weeks old. Three are laying, the Leghorns and one of the Orpingtons.
Here is my chicken coop that I built. The colors are inspired by Green Eggs and Ham.

That is such a cute coop! My 8 yr old neighbor asked if that was where green eggs and ham came from when I told him we were getting chickens that lay green eggs next.

:lau I bet that was cute... I just clipped my birds wings for the first time... I hope I got them all... After the roo got mad at one and 'did his man thing' as soon as she was done I lost track because my daughter said "Mommy!!! He's sitting on her again." Then asked me why... I told her so that we could have babies... She got all happy and told him to sit on more... She wanted babies NOW!!! :cd
I bet that was cute... I just clipped my birds wings for the first time... I hope I got them all... After the roo got mad at one and 'did his man thing' as soon as she was done I lost track because my daughter said "Mommy!!! He's sitting on her again." Then asked me why... I told her so that we could have babies... She got all happy and told him to sit on more... She wanted babies NOW!!!

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