Nice framework but as you may be familiar I'm not a fan of 1-inch flimsy poultry wire and that's what it looks like on my screen. Needs paver stone walkway around the perimeter of the pens against digging critters. Poultry wire is not interlinked and comes apart with hardly any effort as we found out when two mutts broke our fence gate and attacked our poultry wire coop. Lucky a neighbor intervened and saved our chickens. Poultry wire is just a wasted expense. The rest of your coops' framework is great but eventually plan on hardwire right over the poultry wire so you don't have to tear out anything already existing. Do you have plans for shielding the walls from inclement weather?
Good point about the chicken wire... We are only going to use that for our vent areas and a drop down net on the door for hot weather. We have heavy duty fencing around our run area...