post your chicken coop pictures here!

I make 3" PVC feeders, 2 " PVC oyster and grit dispensers, and 5 gallon bucket feeders and water buckets. I will post step by step photo directions on my blog the next one I build. (here too)
Decided to start on a coop this weekend

8x6, but I may shrink it down to 5 1/2x6 inside so I can have some storage for feed, I'm also making the nest boxes accessible from the outside for ease. My daughter is two and absolutely loves the other animals around the homestead so I think chickens will be a good teaching tool for her
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How high should my fence be for my run if I am using chain link and I don't want to clip wings?

I've seen my old 7-lb Marans (we don't have her any more) fly 8 feet over a barrier when we tried to keep her separated from the rest of the flock. She flew over it with the greatest of ease! If you want to keep flighty birds in the yard, keep them fed well, and give them a lot of wild seed to scratch for (or use a chicken treadle feeder if you don't want to attract wild birdlife to eat your feed). I've had a couple flighty breeds and they stayed inside our yard (unless I tried to isolate them from the rest of their flockmates!) My APA Ameraucanas and prior Leghorns are considered flighty breeds and they've never tried to go "over the fence" - why would they with all the treats they'd miss if they left? If they get spooked/frightened we have a lot of lean-to's and doghouses and canopy around the open yard for them to hide inside instead of flapping out of the yard in flight.
Decided to start on a coop this weekend

8x6, but I may shrink it down to 5 1/2x6 inside so I can have some storage for feed, I'm also making the nest boxes accessible from the outside for ease. My daughter is two and absolutely loves the other animals around the homestead so I think chickens will be a good teaching tool for her
I just finished framing in my 10x6x6 coop this week and put in a long day building the nest boxes, fencing in the raised area of the coop and putting in roost bars. I'm hoping to get all the wire on, cedar siding hung, and feeders and waterers installed next weekend.

In progress, 5x5 w/2 pop doors, 1-human door and the 2x6 reinforcements for the 3 nest boxes. Should have the siding and roof on tomorrow, will post more pics

Housing 6 girls with 2 more on the way...or 3...pretty cute marans at the feed store and such pretty eggs
Decided to start on a coop this weekend

8x6, but I may shrink it down to 5 1/2x6 inside so I can have some storage for feed, I'm also making the nest boxes accessible from the outside for ease. My daughter is two and absolutely loves the other animals around the homestead so I think chickens will be a good teaching tool for her

Wow, you got a LOT accomplished in one weekend! Wish I had your energy! Oh,
and welcome to the thread! looking real good up to this point!

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