post your chicken coop pictures here!

well we may have to come up with another coop, we already have 28 hens and 2 roos, oh that was this morning went to ts and saw the sex lick peeps oh they were so cute, yes I came home with six black, now I have 14 black and 8 red sex licks. the coop has to be changed, I want a covered run but have to wait and see what hubbie comes up with.
Sex licks.....hehe
Here is a pic of the "the little orange bantam barn" the other coop is for my standard breeds
Sometimes egg production drops because of underlying issues like mites, lice, worms etc. Treat for those things on some regular schedule and see if egg production resumes again.

These hens were all together -- EEs, Faverolles, a Barnevelder, and a few others for good measure. They all did fine and were all treated for worms and mites twice. I gave them 20% layer feed, and all the extras. The other girls did fine. I've had chickens for a while now and haven't ever had this problem. It was only the Faverolles that had the issue. The other ladies kept on laying. They are probably just not really good layers. I know some are better than others. That's why this time around I got 10 EEs/Ameraucanas and 2 Australorps - I know the EEs will lay like troopers no matter what and I've heard good things about the Australorps.

Thanks for the response!

That is so cool!!! Probably one of the best ideas so far that I have seen.
Thanks! He's a talented guy. Like I said, I was all ready for a little old coop and he went all out. We call it "The Chicken Chalet." I have a friend who says that's not the right name. She says it should be "The Chicken's Taj Mahal" or something like that. I love how creative my hubby is!!

. Thank goodness the old-style commercial caged egg hens are getting criticized and eliminated not just in the USA but all over the world - finally!

Not fast enough in the USA as far as I'm concerned!!! I don't know if people just aren't aware or if they truly don't care, but the conditions that commercial poultry farmers keep their flocks in are atrocious at best. I simply can't eat commercial eggs any more....not only do they look bad, but the thought of those poor hens being confined in tiny cages for their whole laying lives makes me physically sick. And the way they treat meat birds is no's not even humane as far as I'm concerned. I don't know how it's even accepted.



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