post your chicken coop pictures here!

We are slowly making progress on our coop, seeing as we are trying to use ALL repurposed materials, it takes time to gather supplies lol. I'm almost ready to go for broke and buy everythig else we need (hardware cloth is sooo expensive
). But hey, patience is a virtue, right?!

A reminder of the beginning of the build, od dining rm table top, old picnic table legs, old bed frame and an old (2/3) front door.

One of my cats underneath checking it out lol!

And here is what we've accomplished over the past few days.

Plexiglass window and pop door!

Window and door propped open for "effect" lol!

Still a lot to do, but on this gorgeous Mother's Day I (mother) will be building the nesting boxes and hopefully the rest of the walls. Also will be putting our industrial window screen over all the ventilation openings and the plexiglass window.

Also thinking about not putting "siding" on the other three walls... what a pain in the rump
On page 163 I posted our 1st coop ( We basically used part of an utility shed/storage shed for our first coop (approx. 10'x5'). When we added more chickens in 2013, we built another on the opposite wall. Each had their own, enclosed run. This year DD signed up for 4H Chick chain. She and I both purchased some additional chicks in the spring, pretty Silver Sebrights and Silver Laced Wyandottes. So our two older flocks have retired to the pasture to be truly free range (no more run). They will be with goats. Hubby built this 10x12 building on skids.

We picked these panels for the light quality and supposed to reflect sun/heat. If the panels turn out to be too much like green house, we will pull the coop to the wooded area for shade.

When the goats hear us feeding the chickens they run round and round the building. They know the sound of pelleted food, and want theirs!

After research on goat and chicken forums we knew we would have to do something to keep the goats out of the coop and away from the chicken food. So hubby built this /L/ shaped entrance. The chickens learned quickly where everything is located in their new coop. They and the goats seem leery of each other.

We have 25 hens in the coop. We plan to add 2 more nest boxes (for a total of 8), at least. I have a couple of Orpingtons that are often broody. And will likely add more chickens, possibly retiring this year's 4H chickens to join these hens, next spring.

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It looks cool and I'll bet it's more structurally stable than if you cut out square holes top and bottom....which to me is the real beauty!
I think so too - and still there is lots of ventilation let through. It's a great design - one I'm going to see if DH can copy for our new coop! hehehe...
It looks cool and I'll bet it's more structurally stable than if you cut out square holes top and bottom....which to me is the real beauty!
Speaking of doors...if I were to get a regular wood door from ReStore (Habitat for Humanity outlet), could I cut out the insides of it and use as my screen door for my coop??? Anyone have ideas??

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