post your chicken coop pictures here!

We have 7 girls in our coop. They are great

Similar story here. Had skunks digging up the yard at the prior home. Got some repellant (maybe fox urine??) and hung the little bottles on the wire fence around the yard. Didn't make a bit of difference.

The only repellent I understand works (from a BYC post) was hanging mothballs in socks around the coop to deter snakes. Other than that success story and maybe predator eyes or night lights, nothing deters a hungry critter.
My DD & SIL's backyard is next to a nature preserve -- they used pee repellants and they didn't work to keep away the rattlesnake, hawk. owl, deer, squirrel, coyote, bear, mountain lion, stray dog, feral cat, bobcat, raccoon, possum, rabbit, rat, mice, skunk, etc etc etc.  Last time I house-sat their place I got eye-to-eye with a male coyote who was not the least bit afraid.  Time before that the raccoon dumped the trash can all over the backyard.  Time before that a skunk trotted across the patio.  Nothing deters the wild critters.

How big is that coop it looks a little small for 7 hens
How big is that coop it looks a little small for 7 hens
No we have plenty room the picture was from the house there is a separate nesting box in the back and 6 roost for the girls. We got them from someone that was moving and needed to find a new home for them. Some had been pecked and missing feathers. The girls have all the feathers grown back and seem to enjoy their house. They were not going into their old house. From the first night they went right in and have done well.
We have 7 girls in our coop. They are great

That is nice! Your area looks rural with a lot of trees which means critters will come for your chickens. I suggest replacing the chicken wire or adding strong cattle wire around the chicken run to deter critters from tearing down the poultry wire - two stray dogs broke through our side gate and attacked our little 4x6 coop and mangled the flimsy poultry wire - lucky a good neighbor chased off the mutts. Can't tell if you have the run roofed with wire but that would be a good addition against hawks. You've got nice run space for 7 chickens. Put a couple shelters or doghouses in the run for places to hide/snooze during the day. Chickens will usually only use the coop to lay eggs or roost for the night. The rest of the day they are digging, snoozing, scratching, dust-bathing, etc, outdoors. I saw one BYCer put a couple old thrift-store chairs in her run for the chickens to sit on or sleep under.


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