post your chicken coop pictures here!

Here is ours... we bought a pre-fab one and then added on to it. It's pretty unique, I think! We are going to put a roof on the run soon... Next project. And we will probably build a moveable tractor so that we can put them in the raised garden beds. We only have three girls right now. Two BO's and a light Brama. Can't find a pic of my brahma at the moment... lol.

If you make you own, especially if making smaller coop, make them adaptable. Ex. my 4x6 coop butts up to the 6x8 run, but I made legs for it so I could raise the coop 2.5 feet to give them 24 more ft of run space if needed.

Coup getting almost finished. I have 9 cubes inside for nesting. All wood from reuse / re purpose store and a lot also from neighbors and friends.
Awesome job......  :pop    9 cube7s.....  so you have like 40-50 hens?

I have 10, originally because i wanted them to have a warm place to snuggle in winter but now i have 22 birds and with fake eggs in each nest i expect them to be used with little fighting. With only 5 laying right now they still complain if somebody is in the one they want. You think they make noise when they lay, you should hear them cussing an encroacher out :) They also stay cleaner with more nests.

I am ecstatic that they all, automatically switched to the higher perches to roost. They used to roost in the nests and made a real mess. Now my nests stay clean and my eggs never, ever have any poop on them.

Speaking of clean eggs, anyone know what method pros use to clean the eggs? I just soak them in a weak dish soap solution to kill any bacteria etc.. I havnt seen any negative issues doing this but i know where you have animals you have salmonella so i do it as a precaution. Store eggs are typically rolled out of the box as soon as they are laid so they cant get dirty but i think many are also washed with something.

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