Post Your Chicken's Names Here!!!

my turkeys name is Goblin
Hi All,

I went with the Harry Potter theme. My four Red Stars are named Hermione, Ginny, Molly and Gryffindor.
We have 4 Creme leg bar chicks and named them
Chicken Little
but we dont know wether we have all girls or a mixture lol
I am new to raising chickens:)
I have 1 Barred Plymouth Rock, 1 Marans, and 4 Silkies

There names are:
Barred Plymouth Rock- Milky Way (black and white)
Marans- Storm (black)
Silkies- Diamond, Paris, Cali, and Cash (Vegas theme) 2 blue, and 2 black

Getting 2 new chicks today. Cannot wait to name them
I have 5 18 month old Loham browns called, the colonel, nugget, buck buck, Sarah and milky bar, I have just got a 4 week old lavender pekin called Rosie, and two 3 week old cream legbars called mars bar and Percy
Turkey (Yes, she is a CHICKEN!)
Biddy } Barred rocks
Henny Penny
Geraldiene } RIRS (mixes)
Della } Black star? Austrolaurp? lol, idk
Phoebe} Someone on here thinks she's part Hamburg, maybe laced wyanidote?
Josie } Easter egger
Henrietta} RIR

Our 10 girls!
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My chicks came home one Saturday in early April unbeknownst to my husband, who was at work. Well, I told my daughters who are in college and they laughed and suggested names. I told them to tell their father yet....I would figure out a way to introduce them when he came home from work. So I cooked a wonderful supper and lovely pound cake for dessert. Then I told him. To say that he was less than joyous would be an understatement. He was very ummm....livid. So, I was upset and pouting all day Sunday. I made arrangements with my friend who has chickens to take my beautiful chicks the next Saturday. Well, my husband who works on Sundays lo came home and asked me if "they" had names. I said no. Then he said that they should be named Patti, Laverne, and Maxine. He went and took pictures of them.....they are in our basement. The rest is amazing history. They are cuter everyday. Patti is a Buff Orpington. Laverne is a Barred Rock. Maxine is supposed to be an Araucana, but I think she is an Easter egger. I hope that they are all female.
4 Silkie girls, Josie, Josephine, Girl Woo, The Big Show
bantam Cochins: Fat Man (rooster) Scruffy & Tutu (frazzles) and Didders (frizzle)
WC Black Polish: Jojo (my #1 girl), Phyllis Ryan, Micro, The Miz (rooster)
D'Anvers: Fidget (rooster)
Buff Orpinton: Everest, Padma, Hammond, Henrietta

Polish: Charming & Sterling
Russian Orloff: Milla & Gemma
Cucko Maran: Jinx & Hex
Dark Brahma: Petuna & Lilly
WC Black Polish/D'Anvers mix: Gabby & Little Bit

2 Chocolate Runner Ducks: Amy Farrah Fowl and Sheldon

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