Post Your Chicken's Names Here!!!

My family has:
Dove-chocolate orpington
Buff-Buff orpington(my brothers idea)
Hazel, Hannah, and April-ISA browns
And the chicks:
Nicole-barred rock
Boots or buttercup, depending on the person-salmon faverolle
Jam-silver laced wyandotte. Her name comes from junior mint, because she was a replacement for Peppermint patty, a chick who mysteriously died.
Tiger-gold wyandotte
Midnight- Black australorp. This one is the reason we have the rest. I was trying to hatch 16 eggs, and had awful luck. All 3 that hatched and the ones i did eggtopsies on had malpositions, and midnight was the only survivor. I love that bird, but now it's looking like it's going to be a rooster! We can't keep those.
Well, those are our chickens. We have quickly become more and more obsessed since the begining of march.
some of my names are from characters in tv shows Lol
Felicity- EE
Diana- EE
Oliver- welsummer roo
cinnamon- cinnamon queen
Queenie- CQ ^
Joy- welsummer
popcorn- (welsummer)
spencer- jersey giant
marcus- jersy giant
clover- buff orpinton
floppy- BO^ (my friend named her lol she has a floppy comb)
banty- BO (shes small but not a bantam)
Rosebud- BO (dont let her name decieve you, shes a VERY grumpy chicken lol)
Rusty- Unknown (maybe a CQ?)
thunder- austrolourp (i did not name her okay XD)
tanya- austrolourp
ebony- austrolourp
Penelope- barred rock
Anne- barred rock
jade- silkie (buff colored)
twix- silkie (buff colored)

We have 40 chickens but only the ones that i can tell apart from the others have names -sorry RIRs- XD
I just finished watching the hunger games trilogy (new favorite movies) and now i want to name some chickens after my favorite characters! (i guess i do have one, Anne) if i do have a New hampshire red rooster, and if i decide to keep it i'm naming it finnick! (need a peeta and katniss!)

my ducks are:
barry- KC drake
Caitlyn- KC
Tracy- KC

(sorry for the long comment lol maybe someone will get some ideas for names)
Just figured out the names for my 4 SLW pullets this week. I was very specific about the type of name I wanted. Short, sweet and old-fashioned sounding. Since they're hatchery SLW I've been able to name based on appearance since I'm confident they won't grow up to look like clones of one another. Pretty as breeder quality SLW are I'd like to be able to tell the difference between my chickens.

The top pullet is named Hattie which means "ruler of the home". Seemed fitting.
The darkest pullet is named Darcy which means "dark". She has the least amount of lacing compared to the others and I anticipate this to be the case in the future.
The pullet with the greatest amount of lacing is named Fancy. No additional meaning to the name here. She's the fancy one so that will be her name.
The fourth pullet is the only one with a single comb, making her unique. Therefore, she is named Elcie, which means "unique".
Our older birds: Earlich, Two Chainz, Zelda, Reba, Sia, Gwen, Latifa, Green Bandy, Blue Bandy,(Got a little lazy).
This year's hatch : Chicakdee, Warbler, Raven, Junco, Grease, Dodo, Dot, Face Pecker, Birdie Sanders.
Just figured out the names for my 4 SLW pullets this week. I was very specific about the type of name I wanted. Short, sweet and old-fashioned sounding. Since they're hatchery SLW I've been able to name based on appearance since I'm confident they won't grow up to look like clones of one another. Pretty as breeder quality SLW are I'd like to be able to tell the difference between my chickens.

The top pullet is named Hattie which means "ruler of the home". Seemed fitting.
The darkest pullet is named Darcy which means "dark". She has the least amount of lacing compared to the others and I anticipate this to be the case in the future.
The pullet with the greatest amount of lacing is named Fancy. No additional meaning to the name here. She's the fancy one so that will be her name.
The fourth pullet is the only one with a single comb, making her unique. Therefore, she is named Elcie, which means "unique".
Sounds good! Very well thought out :thumbsup
They're only one month old but I have Gizmo, Pebble, Daisy(possible rooster), Copete(Spanish for crest- she's the only one with one), Rocco, Zinnie, and Chirp.
Spot, Big Momma, Praline, Chip & Dale. Big Momma got her name because she's always outside of the coop checking on everything. Ya gotta get through Big Momma first!! She's the security guard.

Here you can post your Chicken's names (roosters,hens, pullets, cockerals, and chicks. You can even post the name of your turkey, peacock, duck, quail, pheasant, etc.)

I am not going to judge the names so this will just be a place to post names for fun and show people all the cool and creative names that you have came up with.

If you want to post a picture of the chicken with names or tell how and why it got its name feel free to do so! But you don' have to.


1. Be nice to everyone. Don't be rude or mean.
2. HAVE FUN!!!

Post Away:)
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We don't really have names. We have a Buff Orpington that is called Mama and 3 easter eggers that we call One, Two and Three. We recently added two Brown Leghorn/RIR cross pullets to our flock. The did get names, Foghorn and Leghorn
Chikie (named by my 3yr old) blacky (named by my 6 yr old)
Mighty (named after mighty eagle from angry birds, by my 9 yr old)
Barbecue (named by my husbands)

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