Post Your Crushes Thread 3.0

So in Spanish class, the guy I like sits behind me. And he was whispering to me, telling me a story, while I was listening to Ms. Nicolisa, not hearing him. So he tapped my shoulder and I wasn't expecting it, and i looked in both directions. He laughed and said: "Gotcha." And I was like "You're such a buzzkill." I turned back to Ms. Nicolisa. So he made a game out of it, seeing if I would look both ways. and after a few times I realized it was him, I would just turn around and look it him. He'd go, "Why don't you just look both ways?" I smiled and rolled my eyes, turning back around. I heard him say to PoppyChicken: "Tap ______." (Blank is where he said my name) and I felt another tap, turned to PoppyChicken and she put both hands up, saying "I didn't do it!" And the guy I like is laughing quietly. And I go "Darn you and your mad confusion skills." He smiles and I add: "Are you just trying to annoy me?" And he nods, smiling sheepishly. I say "Why?" and he goes "Because you're pretty cute when you're irritated." At that point I was about melting.
Those things may annoy you at the time, but it's obvious that he likes you.
Almost the same thing has happened in the past to me, except he said, "Your face looks funny when you're annoyed." Yup, thanks. I'm pretty sure he didn't like me.
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I love this thread! That's so sweet <3
And man, I'm so jealous of y'all. I wish I had someone like that :( *tear* I think our county just houses jerks that don't know what they're doing. Maybe next school year it will be different. High school *hides* no one likes me I swear I'm gonna DIE lonely :'( I used to want twin boys and a little girl. I don't know what I want anymore, geez.
Well we have only about 4 sweet guys in our grade, that I know of, one guy I kinda like..... Hes a really good Christian and plays a lot of sports and is really nice, be he's got a girlfriend who happens to be a good friend of mine. But I don't think we'd ever be something. I'd rather be just friends with him, I talk to him a lot now as is. A lot of girls like him, but he's not really that popular and he's told me that he doesn't really like anyone but my friend he's with now.
*shrugs* only about 3 in my grade. One is the guy I like and the other two are (I think) after me. They compete with the guy I like. If one talks to me, the other two are sure to show up.

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