Post Your Crushes Thread 3.0

I'm now caught between 4 boys!!! My triangle has become a square! STRESSFUL!!!

I wish more girls did. And BTW I love your siggie.
The bottom part.
I know, and another thing I can't stand is SCHOOL GIRL DRAMA. ughhhhh talk about annoying, especially when it involves your innocent friend(s) who you want to take up for but don't wanna make a scene and be a drama queen too. I soooo wish I was homeschooled like most of y'all are. And thanks :) its true too. I wish people would do that as well, follow God more and quit calling themselves Christians... And I like yours too. :)
I know, and another thing I can't stand is SCHOOL GIRL DRAMA. ughhhhh talk about annoying, especially when it involves your innocent friend(s) who you want to take up for but don't wanna make a scene and be a drama queen too. I soooo wish I was homeschooled like most of y'all are. And thanks
its true too. I wish people would do that as well, follow God more and quit calling themselves Christians... And I like yours too.

Oh, I know! I'm so glad I'm homeschooled now, I suffered from a near-fatal brainwashing .. I swear I'm still rewiring my brain. It's like my friend puts it, I'm not in public school anymore, but I've still got the demon in my head, every day it's a little bit less but it's still there. I'm just glad I got out of it while I was still in control of my brain..or, most of it anyways. Thanks!
And I agree.

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