Post Your Crushes Thread 3.0

If he was in his 40's, there would be policemen all over this.

But if you think it's safe, proceed. So, he likes you, do you like him?

He's MY AGE!

Yesh :3
Quote: How about neither? How bout we just crush on both, and decide not to date, because it's just silly and someone is going to end up hurt if you choose. And then you can see if each crush lasts for a few more months, and if one doesn't, then, it wasn't meant to be and nobody gets hurt! And you can choose the other dude! Pain free!
How about neither? How bout we just crush on both, and decide not to date, because it's just silly and someone is going to end up hurt if you choose. And then you can see if each crush lasts for a few more months, and if one doesn't, then, it wasn't meant to be and nobody gets hurt! And you can choose the other dude! Pain free!
O_O Wow, that's actually pretty smart! Thanks!!

Um, yes. He SO likes you! Or he's just a stalker, but that's unlikely. :) Jeez, how I'd love it if my crush would show some sign. Just a little, tiny note. It seems he stays blank, though.


Yeah, SCM he likes you!!!!!!

:hugs don't worry CD, Im sure he likes u, any guy I've ever liked seemed blank, but I never learned if they liked me back so I'm not being helpful :lol: :oops:

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