Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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@Shirky... That pic reminds me of the old joke that ends, "Well, you don't eat a pig like that all at once."

Here's a pic of the first eggs from our Red Stars, compared to four from our Buff Orps...

I got a dozen from MyPetChicken back in September, so they're only 15 weeks old. It seems one of them hasn't read that they don't start laying until 20 or 22 weeks. Since it's winter, I wasn't expecting any until March, but my wife found those two today.
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Wohoo!!!!!!! Finally, my "slow" Speckled Sussex laid her first egg. Seems Sweetheart must have had an Epiphany about freezer camp!
She is a spinsterly 36 1/2 weeks old and my other SS started laying 3 months ago! Now I'm just waiting for my 4 egg day (%100)! Maybe tomorrow!


New egg is the small one in the front. Rear left is from my EE and rear right is from my other SS.
Yay! Here is a pic of our first egg. I'm not sure which girl layed it so I will have to sit in the coop the next few mornings to see who did it so I can give her extra treats.
I have a feeling it is our Black Australorp Stella who has been doing the egg squat for about a week now.
The girls are 23 weeks old.
It weighed 1.45 ounces and is 2 inches long with a circumference of 4 3/4 inches.

This is it with a large store egg
I thought our Nugget would never give us an egg. I was shocked this morning! I'm thinking of taking it up to school to show my children! I can't wait until they get home!!!
My 2 little Banty's have not laid all winter. I was wondering if that was typical of Bantys. The standards are still laying.
The baby's laid their first eggs, all on the same day!!! Well almost all, one of the Sizzle/Frizzle girls had laid once before. There are 5 Sizzle/Frizzle girls and one Silkie girl. I'm so happy for them and they laid on the coldest day of the year so far. How much you wanna bet one of the big girls told them through the fence that laying eggs keeps you warm?
Okay- I expected to be getting eggs before the new year from these girls, as they were born the first week in June. They are 7 months old now. I was really getting worried until I came on here and figured that when the days started getting longer they might lay.
I got my first egg probably on January 2nd. This is what happened:
Starting December 30th, I gave the chooks oatmeal for breakfast. It's been very very cold here in upstate NY, and like any new parent, I worry about my little ones freezing. There is no heat other than chick body heat in the coop. So hence the oatmeal. Then I started adding a bit of cayenne pepper to the mix. Granted, my girls & boys don't All go nuts for the mix, but half of it gets chowed down before it freezes.

I hadn't been checking the nesting boxes routinely because there were no eggs, so on Monday, the 4, there were 3 frozen eggs in the nest with one fresher one. I'm so excited. The next day, my son found the little Wyandotte bantam sitting in the nest- no egg yet, waiting for him to leave. So I'm thinking that she is the one laying.


I wish the other girls would lay. I have a little wyandotte, Sebright, buff brahma and two standard Partridge cochins.

The egg I got yesterday was quite a bit smaller and lighter colored- I'll take a pic of it later & post it- I'm wondering if one of the other girls layed it...
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