Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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My first egg! Needless to say, I am beyond excited (even though the egg is tiny in comparison to a normal sized egg)!!!!! It came from my Black Star, Jambalaya:



This pic is to show the size difference between a Large store bought egg and what my baby girl layed. I don't care though. I'm so happy with it!

I know everyone loves the way their chickens play but I have the funniest clip of my baby chicks fighting over a piece of is sooo funny

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One of my leghorns laid our very first egg this week when she was exactly 18 weeks old! She laid another the next day. Like a good chicken, she laid them both in a nest box! The first one was 34 grams, second 38.



Above is our first little egg (right) next to a large store bought egg (left).
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these are our first 2 eggs,egg on right 7/29/10 egg on left 7/31/10. Both laid from black stars ruby & wattles

The eagle has landed....LOL.... We finally got our first egg the other day and what a surprise it was.... Blue-green... Now we are waiting for the other hens to follow suit..
Ok I have these two australorps that were wanting in the coop (they were freeranging and didn't want to lay in the boxes outside) so I put them in for a bout 30 min and went back to check on them. They are both 5 months old. One layed the biggest egg of any of my chickens really maybe bigger than I've ever seen. The other laid an egg so small it looks like a quail egg, or the size of one. Here is a pic of the two eggs compared to reg eggs.

The big egg is impressive, but has anyone ever seen an egg so small, from a heavy sized australorp?
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