Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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My $2000 egg!!!!!!
So surprised that one of my Ameraucanas laid first! It was the tastiest egg I have ever eaten!! Thought I had bought seven barren pullets and was getting ready to call Guiness to find out if I had the record!!!!
Woke up to find not one but TWO eggs this morning!!! I was expecting my white Cochin to lay because she had one of those stereotypical "first eggs" on Sunday morning. But I wasn't expecting my Leghorn to start laying for another week!!

The one on the left is from my Leghorn, and the right is my white Cochin! (Cant really tell the white egg is white because of the lighting in my kitchen.)

THIS MADE MY DAY! I was so excited!!!
I went out and bought a basket for egg collecting hahaha! I haven't had laying hens for 4yrs now so it feels good to be back in it again!!

I have been (not so) patiently waiting for that first egg, and finally the day has come! This is from Marsala, my lovely Barred Rock. Hopefully her two friends (another BR & an EE) won't be far behind!

"There were NINE blue eggs hiding in there!!! That naughty Ginger!"

I don't know if I'd go as far as naughty... maybe she is just an overachiever and didn't want to disappoint on her first go-round! LOL
Finally, 1st egg this week. So tiny. She is only about 5 1/2 months old. Does anyone know how long before the eggs are edible?

Great thanks. I had heard somewhere that the first few might not be edible and just wanted to make sure before I cook them up.
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