Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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Just got my first 4 duck eggs today!
They are 3 Mallards and one Mal-mix. They apparently decided New Year's Day was a good time to start. 10 months old. The white one up top is a standard large chicken egg for comparison.

First Egg!

Laid on New Year's Eve at 10am! Gladys, Golden Comet

On the scale!

Store bought jumbo egg next to Gladys' first egg - not too shabby
Very yellow yolk, huge in comparrison to the white. Love how the white doesn't spread out in the pan when they are so nice and fresh!
I have been eagerly waiting to join this thread and I can finally say I got my first egg.


Bridget is a 22.6 week old Delaware and this is what was in her nest box:


The large white egg is store bought and weighed 2 3/8.

That looks like my Angel's first egg (also a Del). Congrats. Who would have thought one little egg could produce so much excitement.

Irony. I have a pullet named Misty (for "mystery chick") I wasn't sure what her breed was until she was nearly 4 weeks old. I now have an unidentified egg. It is smaller than my Del's eggs but the same color. Since it has a little blood on it, I'm pretty sure it is a new layer. The only two pullets aren't laying yet are Misty (a Partridge Rock, as it turns out) and Lisbeth (a Welsumer). I'm REALLY hoping my mystery egg came from my mystery chick. ;-


and Misty a couple of weeks (and a much smaller comb) ago:

FINALLY got my first egg from my Easter Egger (was not expecting the first to come from her at all)....

Store bought egg for comparison.

Made my day!
I got some chicks last summer and they weren't laying yet so a friend told me about purchasing fake eggs at the feed store. I bought six of them yesterday and put them in the coop (I had noticed that there was one section of the hay that looked like it had been fashioned into a nest by one of the pullets, but I didn't know who. I placed 2 eggs there and 4 more around the other areas. Low and behold, today when I looked there was this beautiful brown egg there.

Now every day its going to be eggciting to see what presents they all leave for me
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