Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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My first bantie egg ever! From my only bantam SF pullet. She's kindof a pet (more than my other birds) she needs a name besides "girly"
Im so glad there is a place I can come where people understand why I am excited to have chickens and my first egg ever! I dont know who laid it....there are 11 girls.
Obligatory first egg picture...

Partridge rock hen. First egg is the one on the upper right. Others are from Aunt's chickens across the street.


We purchased our first chickens as finished pullets over a year ago. The first egg collection was incredibly varied. Clockwise from left (white) Polish, Ameraucana, Red Star Sex Link, Wellsummer (speckled) and Barred Plymouth Rock. We love our little yardbirds and the cackleberries they gift us with every day!

This tiny brown egg puzzled us. A friend who keeps 500 pastured layers said she gets one every week and that they are called "fart eggs". They have no yolk and the shell is very thick. I blow them out and am creating a collection.
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